One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 411

Three and a half days later, they arrived at Marineford half a day early because there was no Ye Tong to pick up rubbish along the way.

"This is... Ye Tong, that brat?"

Because Gion called Garp and the others before they got back.

So, as soon as they arrived at the port, Garp and Crane came.

"Yes, it's been more than three days."

"There is still no movement, Life Aura is still there."

Issho also said directly .

You know, Issho's Kenbunshoku is very powerful.

But even he could only detect a little.

"Is this guy the Devil Fruit backlash?"

"No, he doesn't use the fruit ability much, is it because of the previous training?"

Garp said with some doubts.

After all, Ye Tong has many abilities.

Electricity, space abilities, special eyes, ice.

Maybe, there are other abilities.

Could it be that...

"I don't know for now, but the consciousness of adults is still there."

"This is because he has frozen himself. "

Issho said again.

"Take him down first, I..."

"Don't touch!"

"ka ka ka..."

< p>Issho hasn't had time to say yet, Garp's hand has touched Ye Tong.

At the next moment, Garp was completely frozen.


"The ice here is really cold!"

"Hahahaha, worthy of my Disciple!"


Garp quickly broke free from the ice.

"What time have you been, you still want to show off?"

"Kuzan, do you know the reason?"

The crane also looked at Garp with disgust, and then said to Kuzan next to him.

"I have never encountered such a situation."

"Or, let Sakazuki come over and take a look."

"His fruit ability , maybe it can be of any help."

"Young Ye Tong. The ice that will be trapped has exceeded me too much."

Kuzan said helplessly.

"Sakazuki, too."

"Gounod Commander, you go and invite Sakazuki Admiral now."

The crane also said directly.


Gounod quickly went to Akainu after replying.

A few minutes later, Sakazuki is here.

"This is... playing with ice?"

"Hahaha, this guy has today too?!"

Sakazuki saw Ye Tong being frozen After that, he couldn't help but laugh.

You must know that Akainu, who was originally reserved, was also at this time, and directly started the ridicule.

One can imagine how much influence Ye Tong had on Sakazuki!

"Okay, you can't hear him laughing now."

"Let's laugh at him after melting the ice over here."

< p>Kuzan is also on the side, slowly said.


"Red Lotus·Hell!"

Sakazuki lifted her hands, and one after another magma gushed out instantly.

Soon, it turned into a magma hell.

"ka ka ka..."

Feeling magma's attack, the cold air that originally froze Ye Tong began to freeze magma directly.


“trifling ice cubes, you want to freeze my magma?”

“Red Lotus · Inuchong!”

As Sakazuki said, countless magma dog heads rushed towards the ice cubes.



Then, the ice attached to Ye Tong's body rushed towards Akainu.

In addition, the original ice directly turned into a strange long snake, constantly freezing the magma dog head.

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