One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 415

Ye Tong lifted his hand, condensing the ice scabbard.

Put away the ice wheel pill and put it on his back.

With the scabbard, the cold air on the ice wheel pill is hidden directly.

Otherwise, it's impossible not to attract attention while carrying the ice wheel pill, which emits a powerful cold air, at any time.

Look again, my empty panel.

Ye Tong is a little distressed now.

You must know that the Frost Jade just now spent a hundred thousand pick up points in liquid!

It took 600,000 pickups to improve the fusion of Demon's Tempering.

It was just a matter of time before Marineford was swept away.

And with the help of Garp and Crane, I gained more than 70,000 pickup points.

Just like this, all are cleared.

This guy is simply a giant beast that swallows pickup values!

"Ye Tong, Fleet Admiral Sengoku will let you over."

At this time, Tashigi also came to the port and said to Ye Tong.


"Have you decided yet?"

"Tashigi, prepare yourself, we should be leaving soon. "

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he just disappeared here.

And Tashigi is also responsible for informing the other members of the Battleship.

Soon, Ye Tong arrived at Fleet Admiral's office at Marine Headquarters.

"Sengoku uncle, can we leave now?"

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

"Really, as long as your brat comes back, you will definitely cause some trouble for me."

"Okay, this time after you go to restore Mariejois, you will first Come back."

"Also, now the only confirmed members of Akatsuki's organization are Blackbeard, Marshall D Tiki; Monkey D. Dragon, Golden Lion Shiki, your original crew, Kukuri."< /p>

"If you come across it, do your best to catch it."

Sengoku said directly.

"I'm not free, I'm the team leader of Marine Rescue."

"There's a lot of rubbish... no, there's still a lot of people waiting for me to rescue!"< /p>

"There's no time to catch Xiao."

Ye Tong said thiefly.

"You brat..."

"Grab one, and I'll send all the Marines to hunt you for a week of junk."

Sengoku said somewhat helplessly.

You know, other Marines capture Pirate for contribution.

This guy, Ye Tong, seems to be doing everything for trash.


"I will try my best."

Ye Tong had a smile on his face.

didn't expect Blackbeard to be so valuable.

"Then, can I go now?"

Ye Tong said with a look of energy.

"Okay, if you think there is no problem with your body..."

"Listen to me first, will you go to the trash can?"

Sengoku said this, a little speechless.

Is this guy a trash can in his last life?

"I'm fine, I'll go first."

Ye Tong put the garbage bag in his pocket and ran away.

"This brat..."

After seeing Ye Tong running away, Sengoku also had a smile on his face, but he was also a little helpless.

Although Ye Tong is a little strange, his execution and action are super strong.

If it wasn't for this guy's quirks like Garp's, it would be fine to be Marine Fleet Admiral in the future.

Soon, Ye Tong arrived at the port.

At this point, the people on the Battleship are ready.

Whether it is purchasing materials or inspecting ships.

So, they, who just returned to Marineford today, set off again.

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