One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 429


At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance.

"Burgess should have already started, let's prepare."

"Magellan, you and Kukuli go to find Shanks, and if you encounter it, attack directly."< /p>

"Bring the Dark King, if it's not enough, just use the Dark King."

Ye Tong said directly.

"Understood, we'll go now."

The two jumped directly onto the Dark King and left here.

"Where are the two of us?"

Shiki said slowly as if she was eager to have a try.

"Shiki, when the time comes you and the dragon, Blackbeard is in charge of containing the Three Great Admirals."

"You don't need to kill them, just don't give them a chance. "

"The four Sengoku, I'll take care of them."

"Whitebeard, he'll know what to do."

Ye Tong quickly said.

"That's it, it's really not enjoyable."

"Forget it. , will it be difficult for you to deal with four powerhouses alone?"

Shiki said worriedly.

"Don't worry, my ability is enough to restrain me."

"Okay, let's prepare."

Ye Tong said, sinking again. into the ground.

The Golden Lion and the dragon, using their abilities directly, disappeared here.

As the sun slowly rose, both Blackbeard and Burgess were caught here.

And they were all put on a high punishment on platform.

"Hey hahaha, didn't expect me to join Akatsuki just like that."

"Hey hahaha..."

Blackbeard laughed madly.

You know, Blackbeard isn't an idiot, he's a super smart guy.

He knew that Burgess came to rescue him in the name of Akatsuki, in order to create a certain illusion for Marine Headquarters.

To face Whitebeard and Akatsuki at the same time is enough for Marine to consider.

even more how, if Whitebeard does it, maybe other monsters will do it too.

In this case, his probability of escaping fish in troubled waters is much greater.

"Captain, keep your voice down."

"I pretended to agree to join Akatsuki, and then Akatsuki moved with reason, and asked them to come with me to save you as well."< /p>

"When the time comes, the captain will take me with you."

Burgess whispered.

Blackbeard is also nodded after hearing what Burgess said.

At this time, the seven people with the strongest battle strength in Marine Headquarters all appeared here.

Zephyr, Tsuru, Garp, Sengoku.

Of course, the Three Great Admirals are there too.

"Come on!"

As the sun rose, a large whale also appeared in everyone's sight.

"Hehe, it's fun."

"I want to see, how strong is the legendary knife in the hands of Zero?"

"The concubine is I'm so busy to ask me to participate in such a thing!"

"There must be quite a few corpses that could be used as my zombie Legion..."

"Fluoronol Nuo, Xiao, Whitebeard, Marine...Interesting!"


At this time, except for Xiong who was concentrating on reading, Luo was silent.

The rare arrival of Shichibukai.

After all, to enjoy Shichibukai's treatment, but also to pay something.

"Okay Shichibukai, this is the pacifism researched by the scientific troops, you each bring one."

"When the time comes, it will help you a lot. ."

At this time, Sentomaru came in with a group of peaceful Pacifistas.

And these Peaceful Pacifistas are made in the shape of Weibull.

Looks like young Whitebeards.

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