One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 448

I thought it was like the Cocoyasi Village and Foosha Village I passed by.

But I saw the village in front of me, the ruins everywhere.

And now, seeing Marine coming over is like seeing a savior villager.

Ye Tong's heart twitched.

Sure enough, you have to stick to what you do.

In this way, more people will no longer be affected in this way.

The belief in Ye Tong's heart has become more firm.

"Get up, everyone, it's our responsibility to rescue you!"

"Gion, you arrange the distribution of supplies, and I'll restore their houses first."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he turned into lightning and disappeared on the cruiser.

Gion also distributes supplies in an orderly manner.

Now with cruisers, with larger storage.

In addition, Dressrosa has plenty of supplies, and they also bought a lot.

More than 300 households were restored in less than three hours by Ye Tong.

The original thatched hut has also become a wood house.

The original wood house was turned into a brick house.

Not much pickup value, but Ye Tong is really happy at this time.

Here he not only got the pickup value and some money, the basic attribute.

Yes, the smiling faces of the surrounding village names are the best harvest.

I don't know when it started, Ye Tong found that his mood changed slowly.

"Major General Ye Tong, this is the fruit from the famous village."


Ellen is holding a basket of fruits , walked in front of Ye Tong, said slowly.

"Take it."

"For them, if we don't take it, they will have a debt in their heart."

"Duffin ·Where's Cheeto?"

Ye Tong slowly said.

"Chito is now drawing pictures of members of the Akatsuki organization described by the famous village."

"When the time comes, we will report the situation here to the headquarters. "

Allen said again.

"Very good, quickly summarize the situation here."

"Also, if Shiki and the others find someone, it would be nice to control them all."< /p>

Ye Tong said again.

"I know Major General Ye Tong."

After Alan finished speaking, he also went to perform the task.

Looking at the fruit basket in his hand.

Although it is just some ordinary fruits, there are even wild fruits.

But here Ye Tong's heart is full of infinite satisfaction!

In this world, such a person is the lowest existence.

What they want is not great wealth, nor is it an official title.

Just want to live a good life, that's fine.

In such a situation, they are also the most powerless group of people in this world.

Incapable of protecting their property, incapable of maintaining their own safety.

Isn't it like that?

With the ebbing of time, Ye Tong and the others also collected the information here.

"If you encounter anything, please also inform us."

"We will arrange it as soon as possible."

Ye Tong finished speaking, directly Boarded and left.

One week later.

"Is this the village where the leader asked us to come?"

"It's an ordinary village, why must we come together?"

Kai Koala Sis said with some doubts.

"You spend too little time with the leader."

"But, you should know what the leader does."

" Don't ask stupid questions like this in the future."

"Let's go, let's make arrangements."

Long said, and also landed on the island.

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