One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 462

The musket team that was electrocuted was also lying on the ground.

"Brother Ye Tong, there's no need to even call us all together, right?"

Nami exhaled a puff of black smoke and said complainingly.

"Sorry, this is the first time to use such an attack, and some are not well controlled."

"Well, they should already know our strength."

< p>"Let's go, go in."

Ye Tong said, walking directly towards the whale forest.

As for the Musketeers, they should be fine.

Although I am still a little paralyzed, it will be better soon.

Half an hour later.

"Dragon, dragon..."

"Dragon, dragon..."

Kenjuro used his own painting fruit to draw a dragon belt They come up.

Finally, after climbing several times, we arrived at Zou Island.

"Damn, is anyone else here?"

"Really our Musketeers, are they pet cats?!"

"Go ahead and put them first Get out, and then go after those who entered before."

"Contact Duke Inuarashi, someone has invaded!"

Sicilian said, and rushed directly to the three of Kanjuro. .

Originally just arrived here, and was attacked by Sicilian before simply had a foothold.


Then the three of them fell directly.

If it wasn't for Kanjuro drawing an eagle on his clothes at a critical juncture, I guess they would have gone like this?

After seeing the three people fall, Sicilian turned around quickly and entered the whale forest.

At this time, Duke Inuarashi also came to the furry park, waiting for these people to come.

All fur tribes are guarded here.

Because, the front is forbidden.

No outsiders are allowed to enter.

"Yo, Duke Inuarashi, are you... going to fight our Marine?"

Ye Tong changed into his Marine clothes after entering the forest.

Step by step out of the forest, came to the furry park.

"Major General Marine?"

Seeing Ye Tong, Duke Inuarashi was also a little puzzled.

Although they haven't been out for a long time, they are still familiar with Marine.

You know, they were on the Pirate King's ship.

"introduce myself."

"I'm Major General Marine Headquarters, Grote Ye Tong."

"I'm here because I want to You are invited to join Marine's."

Ye Tong said directly.

Inuarashi was stunned after hearing what Ye Tong said.

Marine, invite the fur tribe to join?

What the hell is this! ?

"Major General Ye Tong, we refuse."

Inuarashi refused directly.

What they hate the most is the slave dealers, and the second is these Marines.

You know, even their clansman saw that Marine went to guarantee and protect the slave dealer.

With such an existence, Inuarashi has no intention of joining!

"I see."

"You guys, don't you want to hear my terms?"

"Join Marine, we can go just and honorable Rescue the people who are now fur tribesmen. Of course, if you don't join, I can only capture you all back."

Ye Tong narrowed his eyes and said with some playfulness.


"If you want to take us back, I want to see if you have the ability!"

Inuarashi said , ready to attack.



Ye Tong released Haoshoku after pulling out his Murasame and facing Inuarashi.

The other fur tribes who were going to take action here fell down one by one because they couldn't bear such energy.

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