One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 465

"Is this Poneglyph?"

Ye Tong looked at the Poneglyph in his eyes and felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

Although, there are also such things for sale in the thousands of malls, and they are also marked with one, two, three in conscience.

The required price is also within the acceptable range, which is one million pickup value.

However, the ghost knows which part of the so-called number corresponds to?

When the time comes, good luck will buy the piece I don't know where it is located.

So Ye Tong decided to find it by himself.

"Only a few people can understand the text on this."

"Boss, can you understand it too?"

Duke Inuarashi has some said suspiciously.

This thing, they have been guarding it for a long time.

However, for the above things, it is really hard to say. Simply can't understand what is written above.

"I don't understand either."

"However, if you don't understand, just let him tell me!"

Ye Tong mouth corners Slightly raised, showing an evil smile.



Duke Inuarashi and Nekomamushi are a little confused, this is a stone, how do you tell him?

Could it be that... the leader has the same ability as Roger?


A large ship appeared outside the main elephant.

Soon, these people landed on Zou Island.

"Oh, someone else came here faster than us?"

Seeing Momonosuke and the others, the people who came up here also said with some playfulness.

And it was Jack who came here at this time.

"This is, Jack from the drought, one of the Beasts Pirates Miyake?!"

Seeing Jack's appearance, Kinemon and Kanjuro also looked at the Jack in front of him with a wary expression.

"didn't expect to meet you here."

"Kozuki family retainers, it seems like a great achievement to catch you."

Jack said, he pulled out his own knives and rushed towards the two of them.

As the battle broke out, the Mink people here also discovered the battle here.

Soon, countless fur tribes appeared here.

Meanwhile, Luffy and the others came out.

They like to join in the fun the most, how could they miss such a thing?

And hearing that it was from Yonko, Luffy was even more invigorated.

Just like that, the people from the Straw Hat group, the fur tribe, and the Jack group went straight to the job.


"Looks like some fun guy is coming."

Kenbunshoku is always on when Ye Tong reads Poneglyph on.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly when he felt Jack coming.

"Leader, do you need us to drive him away?"

Nekomamushi just got a stomach full of fire, and now he is looking for someone to vent!

"Well, you can go."

"But there is one condition, the two of you have to shoot together."

"Otherwise, don't go. ."

Ye Tong slowly said.

After all, I can't let my mascot break a foot.

"Got it."

After the two nodded, they left here directly.

"It's really hard work. Sure enough, if you just know a route, simply doesn't work!"

Ye Tong took out the chart and saw that it was marked on it. It's two small islands.

One of them is a desert island.

Some people call it Rosonville Island, and there is another desert island called Cucuri Island.

This, is it for Kukuli to unblock it?

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