One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 480

After hearing Ye Tong's suggestion, Kukuli fell silent.

Franpe, he knows, a lovely girl.

Although his character is a little weird, as long as he has enough personality charm, he can completely conquer it.

My current identity and strength can also be accomplished.

"I didn't say yes because she was cute, I'm a principled person, it's just to contribute to the organization."

"So, this But one of my contributions."

Kukuli said seriously.

"Alright, wait for my notice."

"I'll prepare a dowry for you. You go to New World and wait."

Ye Tong After that, he cut off contact directly.

Issho sighed in relief after hearing Ye Tong's words.

At least now, I don't have to be sent to marriage.

Really, very good!

After a brief storm, the entire group set off.

Three days later, they also arrived at Little Garden.

"Is this really Little Garden?"

Looking at the huge island in front of him, Yax said in surprise.

"Yes, this is the ancient giant's Little Garden."

"Okay, here you are responsible for finding out the other people besides the giant."

"It should be Old Sand's subordinates, don't arrest them, let them go back and tell Old Sand, I want it here."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also went to the island.




Soon, there was a metal crash.

"Hey, today is the day of battle?"

Ye Tong soon saw two silhouettes fighting, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Let's have a good fight first.

Ye Tong took out a bag of melon seeds and started to eat.

Three days later, the two also stopped fighting.

Because, they are hungry. Need to go back to eat, and then fight again when the next battle starts.

"This...what is this, so fragrant?"

Dongli said, walking towards the volcano.

"Too treacherous, did you bring your own food?"

Brogy also went to the place where he smelled the fragrance.

Soon, the two of them came to the volcanic crater.

"What is this?"

At this time, they also saw a guy with wings and grilling steak.

The most important thing is that this guy is actually grilling meat on a volcano.

And, this meat is just for giants, right?

"Hey, who you are?"

"Actually, use our volcano to cook meat?"

Dong Li said directly.

Speaking, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously.

"Yes, this is our territory, so the food is also our food!"

"Dongli, let's duel."

"Whoever grabs the meat first wins!"

Brogy slowly said.

The two looked at each other, and instantly their faces showed an expression of understanding and understanding.

"hehe, want to snatch my meat?"


Ye Tong pulled out his village rain.

One after another slash cuts out instantly.

Then, a huge stone platform appeared in front of the two.

"With such a strong slash, even that man is merely this?"

"Very powerful birdman, who is this guy?"

< p>Dong Li and Brogy both stopped.

"Come on, this was originally prepared for you."

Ye Tong took out two oversized leaves and placed them directly on the stone platform.

Then, put the meat you just slashed on the leaves.

Seeing the food delivered, the two of them didn't know what to do.

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