One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 494

At this time, Owen was sitting on the ground shaking constantly.

Even after releasing his own fruit ability, he still shivered coldly.

"Brother, take me out of here first."

Owen said tremblingly.

So, Perospero had to send Owen away first.

And everyone is advised not to approach this area for the time being.

Even Owen is like this, aren't others even worse?

Back to Ye Tong's side.

"It's really tenacious, didn't expect the more you go, the consciousness that appears is similar to mine."

"Even if I have merged twice, it will still be very It's hard."

"However, fortunately, your Life Essence, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to fight this time."

At this time, the surrounding cold was all given to Bing Lun Wan Absorbed.

At this time, Bing Lun Wan, although still in the shape of a snake, has a lot of spikes on his body.

And, it has feet.

"So, you mean, I'm going to give you a lot of Life Essence next?"

Ye Tong said helplessly.

"Well, you are my host, so you must think about me!"

Hin Lun Wan said confidently.

Before, Binglunwan didn't quite recognize Ye Tong, but after two fusions, Binglunwan took it.

If it wasn't for Ye Tong, it is estimated that this consciousness may not still exist now.

"Okay, as your host, this is where I should go."

"But do we have to sign a contract too?"

< p>Ye Tong said with a laugh.


"You want to restrain me?"

Hinrenwan said with some doubts.

"It's not a constraint, the equal contract I want to make is to help each other."

"How about it, you're not afraid that I will sell you?"

Ye Tong's smile deepened.

In this way, Ye Tong purchased a contract in the Myriad Realms mall and signed the Hirinwan pill.

Hin Lun Maru also changed into the form of a sword again, and then returned to Ye Tong's back.

“System, Myriad Realms mall.”

After signing the contract, Ye Tong felt more at ease.

After all, this guy is a super dangerous species, so you have to be on guard!

Then, after the panel appeared, Ye Tong started to select some items.

Soon, after the item is purchased, the pickup value is gone.

"Hey, it's still not enough to use!"

"The past few days, it can't be wasted."

Ye Tong said here, and is ready to go Looking for Charlotte Linlin.

"Perospero, can you take me to see Charlotte Linlin?"

Ye Tong quickly found Perospero and said directly.

"Well, let me ask."

Perospero sees Ye Tong coming over, and now there should be no problem.

However, this guy can't rest easy.

After contacting Charlotte Linlin, Perospero also brought Ye Tong there.

Charlotte Linlin has been with Brogy and Dong Li during this time.

After all, this is one of Big Mom's biggest dreams.

"Linlin, it looks like you are very happy."

Ye Tong saw Charlotte Linlin talking to the two with a smile on her face, and also said hello.


And both Brogy and Dong Li stood up and called directly.

"Zero, are you looking for me?"

Charlotte Linlin has a good sense of Ye Tong.

Ye Tong They have enough strength, but also brought her a giant.

Now, the two forces are preparing to marry.

"I have something to do. I want to build a waste treatment plant here."

Ye Tong said directly.

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