One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 500

The banquet lasted for three days.

"Head, they're here."

"Head is Garp and the leader of your Avatar's ship."

On the morning of the fourth day, the library Curry also went directly to Ye Tong's side, slowly said.

"Well, it's almost there."

"Now that they're here, our mission is about to begin."

"Attention, everyone goes to Dark first. Go to the King and wait for them to slaughter the island."

"I'll go back and replace my Avatar first, and after I've repaired the island, you'll start attacking."

"All Ships, I can't go back if I want them all."

Ye Tong said directly.

Since Celestial Dragon wants to do this, then he has to beat them all at once.

After so many years, perhaps they have forgotten that they were just people from the sea.

The descendants of God have claimed themselves for so long that they may have forgotten that they are human beings!

"Got it."

After everyone complied, they entered the Dark King directly.

Dark King is huge, and there is no problem with entering a thousand people at a time.

even more how, the people here this time are all the elites in the Xiao organization.

Battle strength is at least at the level of the school officer, otherwise it is arranged to guard other islands in the Sea Territory.

Seeing that everyone had left, Ye Tong also slowly sank to the ground.

Then, arrange for your own Avatar to enter the cabin and replace.

"Sensei, will we meet Xiao in a while?"

Ye Tong walked to Garp's side and said slowly.

"There's a good chance we'll be attacked by Akatsuki."

"After all, what they've always advertised is fighting for civilians."

"It's just that if they do show up to fight us, I really don't want to."

Garp said helplessly.

After all, this group is fighting for civilians.

In his mind, this is nothing but a show of justice, only now their approach threatens World Nobles.

Therefore, it will be regarded as a sin.

"Well, I have some expectations. Akatsuki's members should be very strong."

"It would be nice if they could throw some trash."

Ye Tong also said with a laugh.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Garp was stunned.


"You brat are still thinking about picking up trash."

Garp punched Ye Tong and said angrily.

"It's all here, you need to have some ideas, right?"

"By the way, Sensei, Hatanot Island is here. It's a small island, and it's owned by people."


"Are we going to start?"

Ye Tong looked at the island in front of him and said directly.

"Get ready, when you reach the range, fire!"

Garp said weakly.

I was thinking about not wanting to fight with the Xiao organization just now.

But now, Garp really wants the Akatsuki people to be here and stop them.

Unfortunately, on this sea, let alone ships, there is not even a single seagull.


Afterwards, Commodore, who was in charge of the gunner, also directly gave the order to fire.

With the sound of gunfire, the island on this side was directly covered by huge gunfire.

Just one round, all the houses and buildings on the island disappear.

Even the islands are somewhat fragmented.

Seeing such a scene, Garp gritted his teeth.

Because he doesn't know when he will explode.

"Okay, it's my turn."

Ye Tong jumped up and went to pick up the trash.

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