One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 514

"Mr. Issho, turn the rudder to the right, there is an island ahead, let's go up and pick up the trash!"

Just as Issho was in awe, Ye Tong's The voice came again.


"Understood, my lord."

The respect that had just been raised has all disappeared.

Sure enough, the adults are still the same adults!

No matter how the power expands, no matter how the strength increases, it seems that Ye Tong is very persistent in picking up trash.

Soon they came to this small island.

This is a New World unremarkable island called Halloween.

However, although the island is small, it has super bustling entertainment facilities.

Also, there is a Christmas Island next to it, which is also an affiliated island of this island and is specially used for planting.

The most special thing about this island is that there is a flag on the island, which is the flag of the Red Hair Pirates regiment.

In other words, this island is covered by Akagami!

In the New World, there are many countries or villages, because they can't afford the high heavenly gold, they will seek the protection of some Great Pirates.

Such as Yonko, Shichibukai and the like.

And they also have to pay a certain 'protection fee'.

However, it is a lot lower than the gold in the sky.

"This is the island of Yonko Akagami Shanks. We Marine went ashore, maybe some won't be very popular!"

"Hina thinks, very unhappy."

Hina also came over with the map at this time and marked the above situation.

As a Navigator, her most important job besides sailing is to collect island information.

"It's okay, I have a pretty good relationship with Shanks."

Ye Tong went straight to the island after he finished speaking.

Because he felt the breath of Shanks.

This guy would actually appear on such a small island and act as a protective umbrella for this small island.


"How come Marine is here, this is Akagami's territory, aren't they afraid of causing a fight?"

"No You know, this seems to be a lieutenant general."

"Lieutenant general? This is Marine's special staff, Grote Ye Tong, whose battle strength is comparable to that of a general."


As soon as Ye Tong landed on the island, there were countless discussions.

However, Ye Tong doesn't have the heart to care about them.

"The garbage is collected, ten thousand berries and ten kilograms of garbage, all kinds of garbage are collected!"

Ye Tong directly threw out an electronic scale, and then asked Alan to guard Here, after throwing him a bunch of Beli, he entered the island.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, everyone was still talking.

Then these people went crazy.

Trash for money, and a kilo is a thousand Beli.

The most important thing is that there are no restrictions on the types of garbage!

Afterwards, countless people came to sell rubbish.

dignified Marine. General Alan, just like that, became a ragged one.

Issho is still the same, going to gamble.

But when he came to the casino, he found that even the Pirate was selling junk.

The casino has no one.

Soon, Ye Tong came to a bar.

"Yo Shanks, long time no see!"

Ye Tong said and walked directly to Shanks.

"Ye Tong little demon, you cheated on me last time!"

"Why, you want to beg for a drink this time?"

Shanks also said cheerfully.

It seems that she simply doesn't care about what happened before.


"I want... to pick up trash."

Ye Tong went straight to cleaning the bar.

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