One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 516

They used Pirate, but now Pirate has become a headache for them.

After all, people who live on the sea, as long as they have a certain strength, will not like the feeling of being bound.

even more how, and pressure from multiple layers.

So, those who will stay and act as guards basically have things that they cannot give up.

For example, family, kindness, etc.

apart from this, all to do Pirate.

That's why there's so much Pirate right now.

It is also one of the reasons why various countries, forced to become allies, endure the exploitation of Celestial Dragon.

Because of their national strength, it is not enough to form a battle strength against Pirate.

Even if they have such battle strength, they have to be used to prevent annexation by other countries.

So, here, Pirate acts as a Catalyst.

But now, Catalyst is so aggressive, they can't control it.

Even in the Pirate, there are people with them.

It doesn't have any powerful effect either!

For a while, Shanks felt a little helpless.

"Looks like it's time to take action against the Pirate."

"Let them all disappear before I have enough energy to face those guys!"

Shanks thought of this, but also took out Den Den Mushi.

With the ebbing of time, Ye Tong also cleaned up the rubbish on the island.

At this time, the acquisition of garbage is also enough.

Some guys even smashed all the good things in their homes and sold them.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Tong left with Marine here.

At this time, he was also lying on his bed, checking his pickup value.

Ye Tong lifts his own hands, directly calling out his own panels.

Host: Ye Tong

Age: 21

Pickup Value: 2134347

Strength: 112380

Speed : 124310

Defense: 116180

Agility: 112590

Spirit: 120850

[Normal human base attribute 50]

Ability: Busoshoku Haki high level [Flowing Sakura high level], Haoshoku Haki high level [Breath Defense high level] [Pressure Intermediate], Kenbunshoku Haki top [Listen to all things high level] [Foreseeing high level] [Insight high level] , spear technique lv12, sword technique lv12, fist technique lv10, digestion 14820.

Skills: Dual Blade Flow, Waterwheel Crosscut, Single Sword Flow, Hundred Birds, Shaved, Geppo, Tekkai, Kami-e, Rankyaku, Shigan, Breaking God, Hanging...

< p>Boundary of Blood: Samsara Eye [Enjoy all the skills of Eternal Kaleidoscope, add immortal art · Yin Yunlei School, pupil technique · Wheel Tomb, Six Paths mode. Because this world has no chakra, it will consume a lot of life force when it is turned on, or use chakra jade to supplement it. ]

Woodun:Woodun Avatar,Woodun·Divine Tree is coming...

Teigu: The essence of the devil [Open fusion 80%]: Ice Divine Sword [No repercussions, 5 times a day], Mokobotmo [10 times a day]...

Flying for thousands of miles [open fusion 70%]: Shenyu break, fly...

Devil Fruit: Look at the fruit, Goro Goro no Mi, Mera Mera no Mi, multiply the fruit.

Props: Saijo O Wazamono Murasame, Saijo O Wazamono from Cloud Fang, O Wazamono Falling Rain, O Wazamono Spirit Ring, Source of Life 589, Sea King Weapon 28 Sets... Historical Copy Fragments 50...< /p>

Wealth: 186.749 billion Beli

Trash Picking Master Title: [Worn, Basic attribute +2000, Charisma +1028, Pickup value gain lift valve 250%, Recycling store recovery rate increased 50%].

Intermediate Portable Space: Unlimited Space [full]

Thousands of Malls.


"Shanks, I really don't want to fight you!"

Ye Tong said slowly after closing the panel.

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