One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 528

After listening, Ye Tong also hung up.

Ye Tong, the eternal pointer to Marine Headquarters, also has, and left immediately.

Four days later, Ye Tong arrived at the Sea Territory outside Marine Headquarters.

After putting away his boat, Ye Tong called for a location directly with his Avatar.

"Are you back?"

At this time, Issho was a guest in the yard and asked directly after feeling the change in Ye Tong's aura.

"Well, Mr. Issho."

"Do you know the content of this contact?"

Ye Tong asked directly.

"I don't know, Mr. Fengyue went to negotiate by himself."

"We ate and then came back."

Issho said directly .

"Well, I see."

"If Sensei stays over there, Whitebeard here should know who we are."

" However, this guy really doesn't want me to know about Raftel!"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if I don't know."

"Is there anything new here from Sakazuki? Action?"

Ye Tong said again.

My cultivation this month felt like I was isolated from the world.

After coming out, I don't know what to do at all.

"Well, Sakazuki has formed a sea patrol."

"Each Battleship is under the charge of a lieutenant general, and at least a Pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million must be caught a year. Come back."

"The contribution is also very sufficient, and as long as the task is completed, you can directly rest here."

Issho said directly.

After hearing Issho's words, Ye Tong also knew.

Here should be the holiday as the main reward.

After all, there are only three Admiral positions here, and there is no way for Vice Admiral to improve for the time being.

And all they need is this break.

"What do you want to do this guy?"

"Marine has rested, what about the protection everywhere?"

Ye Tong is somewhat said suspiciously.

"Okay Ye Tong, it's better to care about us."

"Hina is very angry."

Hina also came out and said directly .


"Indeed... by the way Hina, what about Gion and the others?"

Ye Tong realized that only Hina was at home, No one else is there.

"Gion elder sister is a general, and now she's out to carry out the mission."

"And now Kuina younger sister is also a lieutenant general, and she's also going to carry out the task alone. Mission completed."

"Only Hina, still at home."

Hina slowly said.

Hearing this, Ye Tong was also stunned.

When did Kuina become a lieutenant general?

"Sir, you don't know yet. In fact, our contribution is very high."

"Now, every crew member on the ship has a contribution from a lieutenant general."< /p>

"It's just that everyone here is not interested in this. Moreover, it will greatly reduce our training time, so we didn't apply."

"However, Miss Kuina, it's me applied."

Issho also said directly.

After hearing Issho's words, Ye Tong also understood.

Indeed, over the years, they have followed themselves to fight, pick up trash, and rescue.

Also caught quite a few Pirates, including some Great Pirates.

In addition, their strength is not weak, one by one Marine Rokushiki, Busoshoku, Kenbunshoku are not weak.

It's been seven years, and it's not just me who is improving.

Thinking of this, Ye Tong also sighed.

It has been nine years since I came to this world.

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