One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 561

Marine Headquarters.

"Ye Tong, there is no major problem with your body, right?"

At this time, Garp's entire group also learned this information, and all came here.

Now, they are in Ye Tong's villa, looking at Ye Tong lying on the bed.

"There is no big problem, it's just that I can't use the ability temporarily."

"That guy's strength is really powerful to an incredible level."

< p>"His ice is stronger than mine and Kuzan's."

Ye Tong said with a lingering fear.

"Indeed, I have felt his ice."

"Although I don't know the power brought by the mysterious fruit, the coldness is indeed above me."

Kuzan also agreed on the side.

"But fortunately, they really implement their purpose."

"But after that, if we meet with the people of the Xiao organization again, it is estimated that the Marines will be in danger. ."

He also said worriedly.

You must know that Xiaozhi Zero has already said that Marine's favor has been paid off this time.

It's true that Xiaozhizero's actions have already paid for favors.

None of them are a force, each has its own master.

There are things that you need to protect, and even these things are the opposite.

Under such circumstances, no matter how hard it is to hold on to her beliefs.

Now Marine has become their opponent, even hunting them down.

It is very likely that there will be a strong counterattack next.

The Akatsuki organization with Dark King is a super bomb!

Maybe it irritated them and destroyed the Marine Headquarters with a single shot.

"Indeed, the existence we will face next may be the complete Xiao organization."

Ye Tong also said directly.

This is a message Ye Tong wants to create.

That is the current Akatsuki organization, ready to start action.

After all, now they're going straight to Marine.

Even, it has already begun to penetrate cp0 and the top of Marine.

In such a situation, Celestial Dragon should be worried.

After all, their most powerful strength is the existence of Marine and cp0.

Although Gorosei, Im they are also very strong.

But it's useless just because they are strong. If one person can suppress a world, they will not spend time to form Marine and cp0 organizations.

"This world is changing so fast!"

"It's only been over a year since we left Marine, and so much has happened."

< p>"Ye Tong, what are your plans here?"

Sengoku also said with some doubts.

"What do I plan to do?"

"What do I plan to do, I'm just a lieutenant general."

"Such a thing, yes I need you honorable generals, and Sakazuki Fleet Admiral."

"I'll take good care of myself, and by the way, I can clean up the garbage all over the world, and then perform an aid mission. "

Ye Tong said playfully.

The five Garp were stunned when they heard Ye Tong's words.

Really, this guy can make a choice!

"If, one day, this Akatsuki organization has threatened the whole world."

"What are you going to do?"

Garp asked again.

"I will ask them if they need to clean up the garbage."

Ye Tong said leisurely after being silent for a while.

Everyone fell silent after hearing Ye Tong's words.

Ye Tong's words are very clear, he will not take the initiative to organize a fight with Xiao.

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