One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 567

Issho said nothing after hearing Ye Tong's words.

Because he knew that Ye Tong should have some big moves here.

Soon, they picked up Celestial Dragon Ulz Begi San on Island 7.

"Grot Ye Tong, it is said that you are very powerful, can you show this to this saint."

"After all, you are just a trifling lieutenant general."

"I have to see it with my own eyes to know if you are qualified to protect me."

Ulzi Begisheng looked at Ye Tong in front of him, a little pondering said.


At this time, Allen was also a little angry when he saw Ulz Beguishen doing this.

"Alan, step back."

"Isn't this kind of thing right?"

Ye Tong lifted his hand and stopped Alan.

You know, Alan is the only lieutenant general who came with Ye Tong this time.

After all, a lieutenant general will come over, but he does not meet the requirements for an escort.

That's why Ye Tong, Issho and Alan came together.

"Since Ulzi Beguisheng wants to see my means, then I will let you feel my strength."

"Ice Divine Physique ·Absolutely Seal!"

Ye Tong lifted his hand, and the seventh island in front of him was completely frozen by Ye Tong.

"Sir, isn't it bad to do this?"

At this time, Issho was also a little worried.

After all, it's at the feet of Mariejois.

If they are here to fight Celestial Dragon now, it is very likely that a fight will break out!

"It's alright, he just wanted to see my strength, and now I'll show him."

"Also, I didn't hurt Celestial Dragon, that's all Guard, there are some problems."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also lifted his hand and held it lightly.

“Chi chi chi...”

next moment, countless ice thorns stabbed directly at the frozen guard.

One after another blood was frozen before it came out.

"The Ice God is back!"

Xu Bai put his hand on the ground and returned all the cold energy.

The entire island was restored to its original state again.

"Ulz Begi, I wonder if my strength is enough to serve as your guard?"

"As for your guards, they all died just now. It's gone."

"With such a weak existence, following Ulzi Beguisheng is simply an insult to your identity."

Ye Tong's face was full of play. said.

"Hahaha, your strength is enough."

"However, since you killed my bodyguard, you will be my bodyguard in the future."

Ulzi Beguishen also said it directly.

"This is my honor, but I also hope that Ulzi Beguisheng will report to the above."

"After all, I am still Marine's Lieutenant General. "

Ye Tong also said directly.


"You don't have to worry about things like this."

"Come on, let's go to Sabaody Archipelago first."

"When the time comes when we go back, I'll arrange your affairs."

After Ulzi Begisheng finished speaking, he also sat on the slave under him. , boarded his own ship.

"Alan, you have arranged for a few people to help Ulz Beggis drive."

"We're ready, we're off."

Ye After Tong finished speaking, he also directly gave the order to leave.

Allen took some of his cronies and directly stepped on Geppo and boarded the ship of Ulz Beguisheng.

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