One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 575

"Why, you know it's Saint Rosward, and you still want to shoot him?"

Ulz Beguisin said weakly.

This kind of thing, even him, has no way to explain it.

"Because, when they came, they came with murderous aura."

"So, I'll kick the leader away."

< p>"And I can't see it, so I don't know the person headed by World Nobles."

Issho said as it should.

Ulzi Beguisheng was stunned when he heard Issho's words.

Be aware that these powerhouses have special abilities.

In other words, he said that Saint Rosward came with guards, did he mean that he wanted his own life?

Even if that's not the case, with the murderous aura, there might be who is a relative of the Droe who was killed by Issho before.

"Lieutenant General Issho, you will protect me from now on."

"If anyone else comes over and has murderous aura on me, just kill me."

"Lieutenant General Issho." p>

"If there are people from World Nobles, I will tell you."

Ulzi Begishen said directly after thinking about it.

After all, now that his life has been threatened, it is still from the escort of Saint Rosward, who is also World Nobles.

If you don't protect yourself well, you might die!

"I see."

"I will do my best to protect you next time."

Issho is also cupped the hands, directly to Ur Z Beguishen said.

After receiving Issho's promise, Ulzi Beggis was a little more at ease.

After all, although Saint Rosward's escort is also very strong, there is still a big gap compared with Issho, who is comparable to Admiral's strength.

It's just that the next thing is a little more difficult to deal with. If there is no valid reason, Issho will definitely be punished a lot.

However, now that Saint Rosward has fainted, it is almost impossible for him to bring someone here to make trouble.


At the same time, Ye Tong, who was rummaging through the trash, stood up slowly.

"Yeah, I see."

"This crap is coming fast, but now is the time to start the fun."

"I will arrange it. You prepare the video bug, and these people will come over soon."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also walked into the middle of the road.

"Go away, dare to stand in the way of Celestial Dragon, you want to die?"

At this time, the bodyguards are taking Saint Rosward back.

But when he got here, he was stopped by Ye Tong.

I encountered too many annoying things today, and the bodyguards, who were originally arrogant and despotic, became even more irritable.

"Well, I'll go now."

"But, is there something you haven't done yet?"

Ye Tong said , his own kaleidoscope writing wheel eye also opened instantly, and then controlled the guards here.

The many guards who were carrying Saint Rosward forward also threw Saint Rosward on the ground and left here quickly.

After seeing them leave, Ye Tong also picked up Saint Rosward on the ground and headed towards the direction where Saint Charlos and the others lived.

As for the guards here, they came to the villa where Ulz Begi was once again.

And they all drew their weapons.

He looked at the big villa in front of him with a murderous-looking face.

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