One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 578

"If anyone else comes over, no matter who it is, just hit it."

"Our escort target this time is very energetic! "

Ye Tong said directly.

"Got it."

Issho went straight to his task after finishing speaking.

At this time, Ulzi Beguisheng was already frightened insane.

This is the first time he has encountered such a thing, and was attacked by the guards of people who are also World Nobles.

Besides, these guys are just like mad dogs, rushing straight up to kill him.

If it wasn't for Issho, he'd be dead by now!

"Mr. Issho, when will Mr. Ye Tong be back?"

Ulzi Begisheng said worriedly.

At this time, he has already called Issho Mr.

Because if it wasn't for Issho just now, he would have turned into a cold corpse.

"I just contacted the lord, he will be back soon."

"The lord met Saint Rosward who was seriously injured on the road before, and sent him back ."

Issho also said directly.

"Hurry up, let him come back soon."

Ulzi Begisheng also said again.

"Okay, I got it."

Issho also pretended to continue calling Ye Tong.

At this time, Ye Tong also found some interesting guys and followed them into an alley.


"Are you guys going to rescue your Princess?"

Ye Tong quickly changed into his Chief Yun robe, asked directly.

"You are..."

"Are you a member of Xiao's organization?"

Fishman turned around and looked towards Ye Tong, and it was also fast said.

You know, the Xiao organization is very famous.

Even the Fishman on the bottom of the sea knew about Ye Tong's existence.

"Yes, I'm here to save the slaves here."

"So our goals should be the same, right?"

Ye Tong said with a smile.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, the Fishmans were also silent for a while.

Because they know that if the Xiao organization takes action, they shouldn't be used at all.

But now a member of Xiao's organization says that they need their help.

Therefore, in their hearts, there are some doubts.

"Although our goals are the same, how can you convince us that you are someone from the Xiao organization?"

"I know what you are suspecting, in fact, I can save them all."

"But we know that the organization has a lot of things to do now, so I'm having a headache How do we get them out?"

"So, we are responsible for rescuing the slaves in the Auction House, will you be responsible for sending them away?"

Ye Tong is also again said.


Several Fishman were silent.

Because of such a thing, it came too suddenly.

Even though they have been preparing for a long time, they don't know how to reply for a while now.

Most importantly, they also didn't have much affection for humans.

They still resisted from the bottom of their hearts to let them save mankind.

"Okay, if you are embarrassed, I don't ask you anything."

"I'll go first."

Ye Tong said, Ready to continue picking up trash.


"We promise you."

"The transfer location, we have arranged, here is the address."


There are more waves and more waves, Ye Tong is going to leave, and he said quickly.

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