One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 581

Whoever comes across Issho at first will be in awe.

Especially when the other person is still on the opposite side of yourself.

"What do you want to do, do you want to take a shot at World Nobles?"

Saint Charlos also said loudly.

Although he was a little scared, but there are so many people here, he can't show his cowardice!

After all, his identity is Celestial Dragon!

"We are now the escort of Ulzi Beguisheng. If anyone makes a move that threatens the safety of Ulzi Beguisheng, we will take action."

Ye Tong said irrefutably.


"Okay, there's nothing going on here now."

"Wait for news from the father. "

Shalria also stopped Saint Charlos.

Be aware that someone is pointing fingers at them now.

Although they didn't say it out loud, they weren't the only ones who knew the news today.

Basically, the nobles here received free news.

They all know what happened yesterday, Saint Charlos and they were beaten by the guards of Saint Urz Begui.

And the guards they brought were all beheaded by Marine.

Such big news, and it's about Celestial Dragon, so quickly spread in the Sabaody Archipelago.

This is what makes Saint Charlos even more fly into a rage out of humiliation.

Since morning until now, several Celestial Dragons have come to tease them.

After all, it's such a shameful thing, but they, who are also Celestial Dragon, have enough talk!

Some things are simply not fun for them.

But things like this are definitely worth talking about.

"Let's go in, too."

"When the time comes, if they shoot me, you can shoot me too."

"Promise first For my safety, when the time comes, if I accidentally hurt some people, I will help you settle it."

Ulzi Begisheng said quickly.

"Understood, St. Ulzi Begi."

"We will definitely hurt you."

Ye Tong also said directly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Ulzi Bejisheng also secretly nodded.

His unspoken implication, that is, if these guys make another move, they'll knock them off by the way.

As long as no one is killed, Ulzi Beguishen will have a way to deal with it.

In this way, the entire group entered the Auction House.

"Mr. Issho, please take care of Ulzi Begisheng first, and I'll do some errands later."

Ye Tong also left the venue after speaking.

Ye Tong returned after ten minutes.

"Ulz Begi, please participate in the auction with peace of mind."

"We will take good care of this place."

Ye Tong said After that, he also sat beside Ulz Beguishen.

"Dear nobles, World Nobles, welcome to our Auction House."

"Today, we are auctioning treasures from all over the world!"

"Also, our finale lot today is something that has never been seen before."

"Now, let's get started!"

"The first..."


As the host came on stage, the auction here started directly.

Meanwhile, Perospero and Katakuri also landed on the island.

"So soon?"

"It's really hard for you."

Ye Tong was standing at the port, waiting for them.

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