One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 602

Be aware that 80% of slave dealers and criminals gather here.

At this time, the Xiao organization actually publicly wanted to take action against them, and everyone didn't know what to do for a while.

"Mad, these guys are too arrogant."

"I want to see what these legendary guys who are too powerful to look like."< /p>

"Brothers, copy the guys, go fuck them!"

At this time, a big slave dealer said directly to his younger brothers.

You must know that, as a small leader of the Sabaody Archipelago, he also has hundreds of thugs under his command.

And because this business was originally a lucrative business, the wealth in hand was also sufficient, and correspondingly, the weapons were abundant.

Even their slave ships are equipped with turrets equivalent to the Marine Battleship.

"Boss...this person...I don't know, I don't know when he came in."

At this time, a younger brother said tremblingly.

Beside him, a man in a robe of Chief Yun was sitting.

"You finally see me?"

"Hey, it's really boring. There's no challenge at all to deal with you scumbags."

< p>"Go, die!"

"chi chi..."

After Avatar finished speaking, countless ice ridges spread from under his feet, and then a A burst of roots rises.

Soon, the people here were killed.

Avatar simply doesn't hesitate about something like this.

Although they all have a trace of Ye Tong's thoughts.

However, Ye Tong will not be soft-hearted in the face of these traffickers.

Let them go, I don't know how many families will fall into endless darkness again.

In this world, the end of the slave is very bad.

Meanwhile, this is happening all over the place of lawlessness.

Soon, the Avatars all came together.

And their final destination is the Auction House.

You must know that the reason why Auction House dared to conduct auctions with great fanfare during this period is because there is a Celestial Dragon behind them.

And the ultimate goal of this operation is here.

"Hey, yes!"

"Sabaody Archipelago showed up members of Akatsuki and they're wantonly slaughter now."

"Yes, we It's Auction House..."


At this time, Auction House's Chief-In-Charge Merrillo was also reporting some hysteria.

You know, he's the Chief-In-Charge of the Auction House.

Not running now, not running.

If he walks away, he may indeed escape the fate of being killed by the Xiao organization.

However, when the time comes Celestial Dragon won't let him go.

But if you don't leave, you will die if you stay!

So, for a while, Merillo was about to collapse.

"That's it, it's really terrifying!"

"But we have already arranged for the Battleship to depart, and it will take about half a day to arrive."

Den There was also a lazy voice from Den Mushi's side.

It sounds like the Borsalino guy.

"Half a day, half a day later, Sabaody Archipelago will be destroyed by the people organized by Xiao!"

Merillo said with some despair.

"We are far away, and this speed is already the limit."

"You can try, ask the people above you if they can arrange some people to rescue you. "

Borsalino also hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Looking at Den Den Mushi, who had closed his eyes, Merrillo's eyes also lost their luster.

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