One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 604

Fishman also left with Katakuri and the others.

Originally, Ye Tong's focus was not on these niushis.

You know, although he can save it once, save it twice...

But if you don't cut off such things from the root cause, the Niuli of this world will not disappear.

Given the huge economic benefits, there will always be people who take risks.

No matter how strict the laws and regulations are, they cannot be stopped.

So, what Ye Tong has to do now is to cut off from the root.

Then what is the origin of the Niuli trade?

There is a saying in a previous life that Ye Tong likes very much - no killing without buying and selling.

As long as the buyer is cured, the next thing will not be a problem.

That's why Ye Tong handed over these niushis to Katakuri for processing.

When the time comes, if you want to go back, ask Fishman to help escort.

As for those who are homeless, they can follow Katakuri to Totto Land and become their citizens.

"This deity is ready."

At this time, an Avatar slowly rose from the ground, slowly said.

"Well, let's go then."

Ye Tong said, also put on his clothes and hat and walked out.

Soon, hundreds of Avatars appeared together at the Auction House location.

At this time, some nobles were shiver coldly, and as for the niuli dealers, they had all been cleaned up.

For today's action, the Akatsuki organization started an investigation in Sabaody Archipelago half a year ago.

So, some of the resident niuli vendors basically know the exact location.

And this time because of Auction House, the niuli dealers who moved around also found a list of cooperation in Auction House.

So, one after another cleared up.

"Mu Dun · Tree World is coming!"

At this time, all Mu Dun Avatar released this large-scale ninjutsu with their last remaining chakra .

one after another huge tree rises directly into the sky from the location of the Auction House.

Soon, the trees tangled together to form a giant tree.

"cough cough, everyone can hear my voice!"

"I am the leader of Akatsuki, Akatsuki Zero."

"I To appear today is to say a word, from today onwards, no matter who owns the slave or how the slave came from."

"As long as it is discovered by our organization, we will clean up the force. Plan."

"Sabaody Archipelago is our first station."

"To be honest, I don't want to meet the nobles because of this."

< p>"So, I hope everyone will consider our advice carefully."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared directly into the tree.

Afterwards, Ye Tong went back to the villa of Ulzi Begisan.

"Ulz Begi, now the people organized by Xiao are looting on the island, please don't go out, otherwise it will be bad if you are accidentally injured."

"Mr. Issho and I will stay here, so you will be safe."

Ye Tong also said directly.

"Yeah, I got it."

Ulzi Beguishen is not a fool either. Going out at this time is simply courting death!

"Is it safe to stay here?"

"It's really ignorant..."

At this time, a man in the robe of Chief Yun appeared in the villa in front of.

At the same time, a terrifying breath swept in directly.


That is, when Xiao organized the men, a gunshot sounded.

"Ulzi Beguisheng be careful!"

Issho kicked Ulzi Beguisheng directly, and a blood flower was also in Issho bloom on the body.

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