One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 606

Soon, Borsalino arrived at the villa of Ulz Beguisan.

"Aiya, this is Lieutenant General Ye Tong's handwriting, right?"

"It's really, terrifying!"

Borsalino said, also flying directly into it.

"Yo, Borsalino Admiral, why are you in the mood to come to me?"

"There is my Mr. Issho here, so I shouldn't need your help."

Ye Tong stood up slowly, slowly said.

"It's still so strong, but I'm here to pass on Sakazuki's words."

"He told you to go back, let's just clean up here, just..."< /p>

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

Before Borsalino could finish speaking, he saw Ye Tong was already running out.

"Didn't you just say clean up?"

"I'll go right now."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared here .

Borsalino was stunned when he saw Ye Tong leave.

This guy, no matter when, the first place in his heart is garbage!

"Uncle, this is what the entire Sabaody Archipelago lost."

"The death toll is also counted, a total of 2189 people."

"These people They are basically slave dealers, and there are also some guys who charge protection fees to bully the civilians."

"There should be a few nobles too, all of them are some big nobles from the Allied countries."

At this time, Sentomaru was also reporting quickly.

"Great noble?"

"Well, let's go and have a look first, and then we'll go back when Ye Tong restores the island."

"It's useless to stay in and so on. The people in Akatsuki's organization should have all left here."

"I'm going to see Issho..."

Borsalino said, and also left here.

Sentomaru is here with Marine and some peaceful Pacifistas.

At this point, Ye Tong started to recover.

As for the original lawless place here, it was completely transformed by Ye Tong.

As a gift to the poor here.

For such a thing, it is actually very easy to operate.

After all, the civilians here were gathered here before.

All Ye Tong has to do is to throw the villa out and divide it into a residential area and a farming area.

Let them elect a Chief-In-Charge themselves and set up a big village directly.

"Okay, I'll leave the matter here to you."

"Hadi, you have to remember, never be the kind of person you hate the most, Otherwise, you will also see the consequences."

"I'm leaving."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also left here directly.

He still has a lot to fix, so he doesn't have much time left to say anything.

However, with just these few words, Ye Tong has left a deep impression on everyone's heart.

This Marine, who directly gave them arable land and shelter, can be said to have given them a new life.

It took one day and two nights for Ye Tong to finally clean up everything on the island.

This time Ye Tong didn't damage the Sabaody Archipelago on a large scale, so there wasn't much to clean up.

By the time they got back to the villa, Issho and Ulzi Beguisan had also left.

"Let's go, go back."

Borsalino also said slowly.

"Well, it's really troublesome."

Ye Tong said, and also left with Borsalino.

In just over a day, Ye Tong returned to his villa.

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