One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 614

After returning to the villa, Ye Tong also sat on the sofa in the living room with a heavy face.

"Ye Tong, after this incident, those two guys It shouldn't be looking for trouble."

"Why, you still look unhappy Huh?"

Tashigi looked at Ye Tong with some doubts.

"This time, it's a little weird."

"Sakazuki told me such a thing, obviously trying to get these two guys out of my hands. Marine to go."

"However, the other party was clearly arranged by Celestial Dragon directly, how could they not have a backhand?!"

"Or, their backhand appeared. What's the problem?"

Ye Tong said with some doubts.

These two people dare to act so arrogantly, there must be something behind them.

Although Ye Tong said he was angry before, he also wanted to draw out the people behind these two people.

But in the face of such a situation, the people behind them did not make a move.

In other words, it was because of some reason that it didn't shoot.

No matter what the reason, Ye Tong was very worried.

Dorok and Dokal are not the kind of soldiers who can be discarded at will. To cultivate such a powerful existence, it does not require a little or two resources.

Moreover, it takes time and opportunity for such a powerhouse to appear.

"But, no matter what the opponent's backhand is."

"Since they didn't choose to shoot, they must be afraid of our energy."

Kuina also said slowly.

"No, that's not what Ye Tong is worried about."

"If the two of them were arranged to come here, it's specifically for Ye Tong."

"Then what they did today should be discrediting Ye Tong's reputation."




At this time, the Den Den Mushi in the room rang.

"Ye Tong, you are famous now!"

"I received a message from your Marine Headquarters here, saying that you will have a grand prize today, an Instructor His arm was removed."

"Also, there is a video!"

"Your arrogant words were also recorded. I really want it It's sent out!"

Den Den Mushi, the voice of Morgans sounded directly.

"I see, destroy it."

"Also, tell me who told you this news."

Ye Tong said directly .

Originally Ye Tong wondered why they would make such a decision here.

But now that Morgans called, Ye Tong finally understood.

These guys just want to smear their reputation.

Moreover, if their identity is exposed in the future, they will have something to say.

You know, no matter how hard Ye Tong has worked before, or how much favor he has given to this world.

However, Ye Tong is so arrogant and despotic, taking advantage of one's position to bully people if the video slips out.

Those who originally only see the interests in front of them will further expand such influence.

When the time comes, even if you want to put people first, you can't do it.

Because, this video is a blemish.

That's why, there is history where the victors write such words.

Because, they have something they have to erase and cover up.

And these things are the things that will affect their rule.

The 100-year history that Celestial Dragon tried to cover up is the most direct proof.

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