One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 619

"There are so many Pirates!"

"Sure enough, we still have a difficult task!"

At this time, Glenn was also Came here with my Battleship.

He was one of Ye Tong's original crew members and is currently Lieutenant General of Marine Headquarters.

"Hehe, your boat is really fast!"

"But I'm still on the list!"

At this time, so was Alan coming.

Originally he was on a mission in the vicinity of the Sea Territory, so after hearing the news, he also arrived immediately.

"Our mission is to shoot Whitebeard."

"The boss said, don't let it go. When the time comes, someone will come out to help us."


After Glenn finished speaking, he also pulled out his saber and rushed out directly on Geppo.

The Battleship here also launched shelling on Whitebeard's ship.

Originally, Whitebeard and the others were going to chase Tiki, but at this time, they had to turn around to deal with the two lieutenants.

You know, Ye Tong's lieutenant generals are real, not the kind that can knock out countless numbers with one punch.

After half a day, more battleships are coming.

In a short period of time, thirty Battleships came to this Sea Territory.

Moreover, they are all Lieutenant Generals.

"When did Marine have so many lieutenant generals?"

At this time, Marco was also a little shocked.

Although they are not the opponents of the father, but with so many numbers, they simply cannot advance!

If you've been dragged, when the time comes Marines are coming.

Or, if that troublesome guy from Marine comes over, they don't go after Tiki when the time comes, even if they leave here, it will be a big problem.

"Dad, let's retreat!"

"The world government has gone crazy in order to destroy the Xiaoxiao organization."

"If we continue If they stay, I don't know how many brothers will die here."

Marco also walked to Whitebeard's side and said quickly.

He's not afraid of dying, but of being in prison when the time comes.

Even if the world government is out of breath, if they do everything in their power to attack them, Dad will be in danger.

"Well, retreat!"

Whitebeard frowned and gave the order to retreat.

After all, in order to kill Blackbeard and put the lives of so many of his sons at risk, Whitebeard would not do such a thing.

Although there are some regrets, the thing to do at this time is to quickly get rid of this chaotic battlefield.

Be aware that there is more than just Marine now.

There are also cp0, World Nobles guards, Pirate, members of Akatsuki.

At this time, in the Sea Territory several hundred nautical miles away.

BigmomPirates, also met the Red Hair Pirates group.

"Charlotte Linlin, what are you guys trying to do?"

"I don't think there is any conflict between us, right?"

Shanks is a little puzzled Looking at the bigmomPirates ship in front of him, he said with a puzzled look.

"That's the matter of the Xiao organization and the world government. I think you should not take action, right?"

"Lest when the time comes, it will involve our Yonko's head. I'm very embarrassed!"

"Well... well!"

Charlotte Linlin also directly laughed and said with a smile.

After hearing Charlotte Linlin's words, Shanks knew they were here to stop him.

However, if you want to defeat them in a short period of time, you don't have to think that it is impossible.

This time, he didn't have a deal with Charlotte Linlin.

This is not acting!

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