One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 621

Four days later.

The fierce battle has not ended since the first day.

At this time, the entire Mariejois is covered with snow.

Ye Tong controlled his Susa and Mudun and started a covering attack on the battlefield.

In addition, Ye Tong has Life Essence in his hand, and the main battle strength endurance is very good.

Mu Dun's life force and the exchanged medical ninjutsu also provided enough rescue for the members of Akatsuki's organization.

At this point, Gorosei and the others were a little tired.

You must know that even if they reach their rank, it is very difficult to continue the white-hot battle.



At this time, Sengoku suddenly appeared on the battlefield and released himself directly The ability of Ye Tong began to attack.

"These trees are really annoying!"

"peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ &..."

Garp directly addressed Ye Tong's Mudun shot.

Crane and Zephyr also went to help Gorosei, suppressing Shiki and Kukuli.

The island that fell down was directly dried up by the crane.

As for Zephyr, he also stepped on Geppo and rushed into the sky.

With the appearance of the four, it not only opened a gap for the battle situation. At the same time, it also made countless Marines see hope!

"The so-called World Nobles are also merely this, whether it's you or other forces."

"Remember, don't try to invade our Xiao organization."

"We are here to announce to the whole world that we are going to start cleaning up all the kingdoms where slave systems still exist!"

"1 month later, if we still know where there are slaves, we will be like today Same, attack at all costs."

"Xiao organization, retreat!"

Ye Tong also said loudly at this time.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, countless members of Xiao's organization also came to the ice.

Then, fell directly into the ice.

"Just like that, are you ready to leave?"

At this time, a man slowly volleyed his steps towards the battlefield.


"You bastard, you're not dead yet!"

At this time, Jin Hao, who was fighting Yimu, After forcing Yimu to retreat, he looked towards the person in the sky in astonishment.

At the same time, a powerful pressure instantly swept the entire battlefield.

Even Ye Tong felt this faint threat.

Even, there is a feeling that I dare not fight with it.

How much blood is there in this guy's hands, and there is such a powerful murderous aura! ?

"Ghost Saber, Returning to the Market!"

Roy didn't say a word, just pulled out the saber from his waist.

Just pulling it out, a powerful slash rushed directly to Ye Tong.


next moment, a slash also flew out from behind Ye Tong, directly smashing Roy's slash.

"Aiya, at such an old age, he still has such a big intention to kill."

"Roy, you should be more generous with young people, right?"< /p>

At this time, Feng Yue was also carrying her own double knives and walked out slowly.

Looking at Roy in the air with a smirk.

"Feng Yue, did you plan this time?"

When Roy saw Jin Hao appear before, he knew Feng Yue was also involved.

Although I know it, after seeing Fengyue, it is still unbelievable that such a guy would be involved in such a thing.

"I'm here to make soy sauce."

"It's over now, I'm leaving."

After Feng Yue finished speaking, she also turned around and faced herself directly. The boat stop is gone.

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