One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 626

More than ten minutes later, Ye Tong also came to the palace.

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, lunch has been prepared for you here, please move!"

At this time, there is also a guard waiting outside the palace Ye Tong is gone.

"Don't bother, I'm just here to pick up the trash."

"If anything happens to King Domino, just let me know."

< p>"I'm going to clean first."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also took out his Divine Item broom and garbage bag and started sweeping.

Seeing that Ye Tong was starting to sweep the floor, the guard was also hooking the head, so he went straight back to his life.

You know, in his heart Ye Tong is a super powerful kind.

Whether it's invincible when dealing with Pirate, or so dedicated when sweeping the floor.

You know, because Ye Tong used his ability to give the whole world a new home.

So when Ye Tong said he was going to sweep the floor, the guard didn't say anything and went straight to the king to return.


"He's going to sweep the floor?!"

At this time, King Dominore also said suspiciously.

You know, he is Lord of a Country and invited Ye Tong to dine with him, but this guy actually refused!

You know, when Ye Tong cleaned up here.

Ye Tong was also invited to dinner by the poor, and he agreed.

But now, when I invited him, he refused!

"Go and tell Ye Tong that he must come and have lunch with me today!"

"Otherwise, he will not be allowed to come to our country in the future!"

King Dominore also said directly.


"There's no but, let's do it right away!"

After Domino finished speaking, he was also angry. left here.

Soon, Domino came to the basement.

The basement is dimly lit, and most importantly, there is a huge pool.

There are also two female mermaids in the pool.


"I will, I will not let you leave me!"

"Isn't Marine also a personal escort? ?"

"I will definitely let that Grote Ye Tong stay, I will, I will definitely protect you."

King Dominore looked sickly. With a smile, lying on the big pool, he said madly.

At this time, the guard also came to Ye Tong's side.

I followed Ye Tong all the time, but didn't know how to speak.

After all, he really couldn't say such a rude request!

even more how, under Ye Tong's strength, he really didn't know what to do when he forced others to go to a banquet!

Maybe, I just said it later, I guess I will be directly sent flying, right?

"You've been following me for more than ten minutes. If you have anything, just tell me."

Ye Tong also stopped and said slowly.

"Actually, it's our king. He wants you to go to his banquet."

"I hope I will invite you there."

The guard also said quickly.

He didn't dare to say that to Dominoel, otherwise Ye Tong would directly turn him into ice sculpture.

"That's it."

"Come on, take me there, and have a meal by the way, it's not bad."

"Yes, you guys Is the dining place in the royal palace clean?"

Ye Tong also said again.

"It must be very clean, don't worry about hygiene."

The guard immediately stood up and said with a certain look.

"Hey, what a pity!"

Ye Tong also said helplessly.

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