One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 643

And Ye Tong discovered a very important thing, that is, the energy emanating from Saga in front of him is completely different from the first Evil God he had seen before.

The tyrannical and murderous aura was not hidden at all and appeared directly on the surface.

Even Ye Tong is affected by this breath.

Furthermore, his own slashing Power of God could not actually cause substantial damage to him.

The most important thing is that here he is already starting to control the people of a country.

If you continue to let such an Evil God go, it is estimated that the entire Sea Territory here will be eroded soon.

And, with the ebbing of time, the erosion here will get wider and wider.

In the end, it may directly affect the whole world.

Such a powerful and strange existence is better to be strangled in the cradle.

"Thundergod long iron!"

Ye Tong thought of this, and there was a lightning long iron that squeaked one after another zi zi beside him.

"This attack is interesting, but it's still not enough to kill me!"

Saga's mouth showed a weird smile, and then acted in an incredible way , appeared directly behind Ye Tong.

"puff puff puff..."

Afterwards, one after another Thundergod long shovel, directly nailed Sagar to the ground.

Ye Tong didn't stay to observe the situation of Saga, and quickly moved away from this position.

"This guy, something is wrong!"

Ye Tong frowned, staring at Saga in front of him.

"hehe hehe, hehehe!"

"I said, this ability, simply can't kill me."

Saga said, He directly grabbed the long lightning rods and slowly pulled them out.

“puff puff puff!”

Without waiting for Saga to continue, Ye Tong fired a few Thundergod long sticks again.

"Although I don't know how to deal real damage to you."

"But what I do know is that with the Thundergod Scythe of Power of God attached, you are not immune. "

"At least, you can limit your movements."

Ye Tong also said directly.


"Then I'll see if your energy runs out first, or if I die first!"

" Humans are weak creatures, and your energy won't support you for long!"

Saga continued to remove the lightning rod from her body.

For a while, the two sides fell into a weird circle.

Ye Tong kept shooting the Thundergod, and Saga was also unhurriedly pulling it out.

It's like, the card is stuck.

This situation continued until dark.

"Just think about how Zoro did it in the first place."

"Do you use the sword technique?"

"But, if you use the sword technique , just tried, and simply didn't do him any damage."

"What else did I miss...that gem?"

"But now, I'm going to Where can I find gems?"

"Zoro didn't seem to use gems when he killed him!"


Ye Tong muttered He muttered to himself, thinking about something quickly.

"Ghost Qi!"

Suddenly, two words came to Ye Tong's mind.

It seems that Zoro used Ghost Qi when he fought Saga.

"In this case..."

Ye Tong also pulled out his Murakami after thinking of this.


In an instant, Ghost Qi and Busoshoku Haki were attached directly to the long sword.

"This is..."

"Impossible, how can you have such an ability?"

Saga, who has always been very calm, finally revealed Panic look!

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