One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 652

"Mr. Issho, where are you training first."

"I'll have a look at Raftel first, and I'll be there as soon as possible."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also cut off the link with Issho.

At this time, Ye Tong was also a little puzzled.

My information should have been mastered by that guy.

What happened on Mr. Issho's side should be that when Ye Tong contacted Long and the others, the information was stolen by that guy.

Then, through some special ways, or the Evil God and the world government were originally linked.


At this time, Ye Tong's Den Den Mushi sounded again.


Looking at the message on Den Den Mushi, it was Enel.

I didn't even have time to leave for a day, why did this guy call?

"Enel, what's wrong?"

Ye Tong picked up the phone and asked directly.

"I found a special thing, I seem to be able to get wet."

Enel said with some joy.


"What do you mean, didn't you drink water before?"

Ye Tong also said with a puzzled look.

"It's not about drinking water, it's because I can go into the sea."

"Also, it won't feel like the restriction it used to be."

"Devil Fruit's side effects are gone!"

Enel's voice grew louder and hysterical!

"The side effects disappeared?"

"I see, you can pass this information on."

Ye Tong also said slowly.

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also hung up the phone.

The fruit side effects of Enel here, the repercussions that were rejected by the sea disappeared.

That is to say, it is not this ability that the sea hates.

It's the hidden consciousness in the ability.


Subsequently, Ye Tong also broadcast a number again.

"Boss, you are a big news right now!"

"Although I pressed it and didn't release it, there should be a lot of people here who know this information. "

Morgans also said quickly.

"I see, the world government has sent out a message to kill me."

"I have a bigger news here than this, and that is me It can eliminate the repercussions of Devil Fruit."

Ye Tong said indifferently.

For a moment, Morgens' voice on the phone disappeared.

In a few minutes.


"What did you just say, is it true?"

"Where are you now, where am I now? Can I come to find you?"

"I'm also a Devil Fruit Ability User!"

Morgans said excitedly.

You know, this is a nightmare for Devil Fruit Ability Users!

There are only two biggest dreams of Devil Fruit Ability User, one is ability awakening, and the other is to eliminate the side effects of Devil Fruit.

"I'm going to Raftel now."

"You won't come for a while, I'll come to you."

"Yes, when the time comes remember to sort out some rubbish for me and take it with me when I come."

"By the way, the news should be published as quickly as possible."

Ye Tong Said again.

"Got it."

"I'm waiting for the leader's notice."

Morgans also hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

As Morgens hung up the phone, Ye Tong also put down Den Den Mushi and continued to chat with Hirinwan.

Ye Tong doesn't know much about the world of Crimson Eyes.

But in the chat with Binglunwan, Ye Tong also found some clues.

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