One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 658

And this time, Ye Tong is here.

After learning some things, Ye Tong felt more and more that Evil God and Fengyue and the places they were guarding had a great connection.

After all, Feng Yue, who has always been very indifferent, was a little too strange when she heard about Evil God.

If nothing else, where they guard, there is the secret of Evil God.

Furthermore, the place that requires powerhouses like Fengyue and Jinhao to guard is not a simple existence.

The most important thing is that none of them can eliminate the hidden dangers there, they can only stay there.

As you can imagine, how terrifying that is.

"System, panel."

Ye Tong summoned his own panel with a thought.

Host: Ye Tong

Age: 22

Pickup Value: 434347

Strength: 151380

Speed : 149310

Defense: 147180

Agility: 143590

Spirit: 150850

[Normal human base attribute 50]

Ability: Busoshoku Haki high level [Flowing Sakura high level], Haoshoku Haki high level [Breath Defense high level] [Pressure Intermediate], Kenbunshoku Haki top [Listen to all things high level] [Foreseeing high level] [Insight high level] , spear technique lv13, sword technique lv13, fist technique lv11.

Digest: 17960【Seimei Kikan high level】.

Skills: Dual Blade Flow, Waterwheel Crosscut, Single Sword Flow, Hundred Birds, Shaved, Geppo, Tekkai, Kami-e, Rankyaku, Shigan, Breaking God, Hanging... Power of God* 43.

Boundary of Blood Succession: Samsara Eye [Enjoy all the skills of Eternal Kaleidoscope, add immortal art · Yin Yunlei School, pupil technique · Wheel Tomb, Six Paths Mode】

Wood Dun: Mudun Avatar, Mudun·Divine Tree is coming...

Teigu: The essence of the devil [100% fusion]: Ice Divine Sword [no repercussions, unlimited number of times], Mokobotmo [ 15 times a day]...

Flying for thousands of miles [open fusion 70%]: Shenyu break, fly...

Devil Fruit: Wangwang fruit, Goro Goro no Mi, Mera Mera no Mi, multiplier fruit.

Props: Saijo O Wazamono Murasame, Saijo O Wazamono From Cloud Fang, O Wazamono Rainfall, O Wazamono Spirit Ring, Life Essence 20, Sea King Weapon 218 Sets...Evil God Lair, Mobile Derived Fort< /p>

Wealth: 30.149 billion Beli

Trash Picking Master Title: [Worn, Basic attribute +2000, Charisma value +1028, Pickup value gain lift valve 250%, Recycling store recovery rate increased 50%].

Intermediate Portable Space: Unlimited Space [full]

Thousands of Malls.


Looking at the slashing Power of God that has increased again.

Ye Tong also knows that this is an ability that can be cultivated.

Although Ye Tong doesn't know how he grew.

However, no one dislikes this thing, isn't it?

After closing the System, Ye Tong came to the deck.

Looking at the calm sea in front of me, I felt a little disappointed.

Now looking at the sea, I have a strange feeling.

I even had the idea that I might leave here.

What kind of world was the original world?

Celestial Dragon, what is the method to make the powerful Raftel disappear?

D's family, what kind of secrets did Celestial Dragon hold so fearfully.

The more he knows, the more doubts Ye Tong has.

After his guesses were verified one by one, Ye Tong felt that this world became more blurred.

Even, something simple.

It looks so complicated.

"Hey, really..."

Ye Tong sighed, some helplessly said.

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