One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 668

"Here, is the core area where we mutate."

"Also, powerful energy, even the most defensive turtle dragon in the Sea King class. If you go there, you will be crushed directly!"

"You know, that group can't even bite me."

The Sea King class leader said directly.

After hearing the words of the Sea King class leader, Ye Tong also showed a hesitant look on his face.

There are people from the Turtle and Dragon clan here. Ye Tong just tried it, and simply couldn't break through his Absolute Defense with his own slash.

If you attack from the weak spot, you can barely break the defense.

But the turtle dragon in such a situation can actually be minced directly.

Ye Tong estimates that even if Jozu comes over now, and then activates all defenses and even awakens the fruit ability, he will be killed directly.

Although he also has a powerful defensive power, Ye Tong doesn't believe in such an attack power.

In case, after entering, the shield of the jade jade will be broken directly.

And then, I guess I will be stuffed with minced meat, and I will be made into stuffed buns directly.

"I'll go back first, I haven't been out for such a long time, and I miss the taste of the sun."

After thinking about it, Ye Tong decided not to go out for a while.

After all, in the past he wasn't entirely sure.

this world is still too dangerous.

No wonder that Borsalino guy is always talking too terrifying.

After getting Ye Tong's reply, the leader of the Sea King class rushed out of the sea with Ye Tong directly.

The ascent is going to be faster, and it will soon come to Raftel.

After putting down Ye Tong, he disappeared into the sea.

The sea on the surface still looks so calm, but who knows how many terrifying things exist in this calm sea?

"Ye Tong, are you back?"

At this time, Bing Lun Wan also returned to Ye Tong's side.


After Bing Lun Wan finished speaking, he opened his big mouth and spat out one after another crystal.

"Fuck, can you be a little more disgusting?"

Ye Tong looked at the ground, even with some slime-shaped ice lines, and said with some disgust.

"I put a lot of effort into it, if you don't like it, you can don't."

"I can eat it again."

Ice Wheel Maru also said indifferently.

"Okay, I didn't fuck with you again."

"How is the investigation of this island?"

The reason why Ye Tong Going down, it's because Hirinmaru stayed here.

He is in charge of investigating the situation here. When the time comes, he can save a lot of time.

Furthermore, the strength and antibodies of Bing Lun Pill also allow him to move freely here.

"Actually, it's really boring here."

"There is nothing alive, there are rubble everywhere."

"The only thing alive is Not far from the center, there is a tree, it is alive!"

"By the way, on that tree, there is the breath of those things called Evil God that you killed before."

"I was in a state of full elemental transformation at the time, so he didn't find me."

Hinrenwan said proudly.

Ye Tong was stunned after hearing the words of Bing Lun Wan.

A tree, and the scent of the Evil God that was slain earlier.

In other words, there is still an Evil God hiding here?

So, who would this Evil God be?

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