One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 671

Seeing Gion in front of him, Ye Tong was stunned.

The speed... simply.

I haven't even reacted yet, and I have already returned to the Gunar Archipelago.

Be aware that I went to Raftel from here before.

It took almost half a day.

But I just came over from Raftel, and it only took a moment.

Even, I didn't count the time.

"Uh... by the way, let's introduce some of our new partners to you."

"This is Bing Lun Wan, which was transformed by the knife I used before. "

"The other one is Tiomaus, the wings I used before."

Ye Tong didn't know what to say for a while, so he also introduced Ti first. Omaus and Hirinmaru.

"Wow, this bird is so beautiful!"

Gion jumped directly, landed on Tiomaus' back, and said happily.

"This cold is really powerful!"

"Hello, my name is Kuzan, can you let me feel it with your ice?"

Kuzan also came to the side of the ice wheel pill, slowly said.

"Feel it?"

"Can you?"

Bing Lun Wan also looked towards Ye Tong and said with some doubts.

"It's okay, this guy won't freeze to death."

Ye Tong also said helplessly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Hinarumaru also unfolded his abilities instantly.

"ka ka ka..."

In an instant, the entire island froze with Hironimaru as the center.

Some people were frozen into ice while still drinking.

Sakazuki, Kizaru, these Logia Fruit Ability Users, took some time and got out of trouble.

Kuzan, also came out of the ice.

"You are the second person to make me feel cold after Ye Tong."

Kuzan also said affirmatively.

After hearing Kuzan's words, Ye Tong also put his hand on the ice.

"Ice Return!"

After using Ice Return, all the ice cubes here disappeared again.

"Let's get down to business first."

"Raftel, I still don't recommend you go over there."

"There's a big terrifying there. I didn't even dare to say that I would be able to get out completely."

Ye Tong said with a worried look on his face.

"Is there some powerful guardian? Or, is there some terrifying creature?"

Sakazuki asked directly.

You must know that what can make Ye Tong fear is definitely not a simple existence.

If they go in without knowing this information, they may die there.

"It's not a terrifying creature. Here, the equivalent to ten heavenly kings attack you at the same time."

"If anyone thinks they can resist, they can Go in."

Ye Tong said directly.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, everyone was stunned.

What is the concept of ten kings attacking at the same time?

You must know that even if it is an attack from a heavenly king, no one here dares to say that it can be resisted.

Not to mention ten.

"Then, if you want to reach Raftel..."

The dragon also said with some doubts.

"I'll take them and plant my own Pirate flag in the past."

"As for the rest, don't let Luffy get involved for now."

"Although it is a good opportunity to exercise, it is not good to lose one's life for this."

Ye Tong slowly said.

He knew that what Long was worried about was Luffy, a fool. What if something happened again?

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