One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 682

Luffy, who was beaten by the three, finally stopped talking.

Sit alone, sulking silently.

"Aren't we doing this well?"

"Look, Luffy is angry."

Sabo is also a little worried. said.

"Angry? This guy is born to not be angry with his relatives."

"Okay, we just need to get things ready for the banquet, I have Ways to calm him down."

Ye Tong said with a peaceful face.

Sabo and Ace were relieved after hearing what Ye Tong said.

Soon, tables were moved out.

Place it on the deck to form a long table.

Soon, countless snacks and drinks were set up.

"I'll make you a magic trick!"

"Come out, Luffy!"

Ye Tong said, also directly from his own mall A roasted whole lamb came out.

Without waiting for the roasted whole lamb to fall on the table, a big mouth came in in an instant.


Just as this big mouth was about to touch the roasted whole lamb, Ye Tong also grabbed the long neck.

"Big brother, let me go!"

"That's my flesh!"

Luffy also said with a drooling expression.

You must know that the things you buy in the System Mall are basically Top Grade.

Although Luffy didn't know what it was, the seductive scent had already conquered Luffy.

"Don't, aren't you angry?"

"Continue to be angry, we will leave after we finish eating, and you will be happy."

Ace also tore off a leg of lamb and put it in his mouth and bit it.

"Ace, give me a bite, take a bite!"

Luffy struggled constantly, but in the face of Yang Hua's restraint, he simply couldn't break free.

"hahaha, you can eat it too... huhuhu... 6"

Ace said so, and fell asleep immediately.



Everyone also shouted.

Where can someone fall asleep while standing and talking?

"Luffy, if I want to eat, I have a lot more here!"

"But, you have to eat last, otherwise everyone will have to eat."

< p>Ye Tong said wickedly.

"Big brother, I was wrong, big brother..."


Before Luffy finished speaking, Ye Tong also let him go .

Luffy also rushed to the table and sat on the stool because of inertia.

Subsequently, Ye Tong also took the lead.

Then lifting his hands, countless food and wine quickly appeared on the table.

These things are top notch though.

But in System, by default, it is very cheap.

So, Ye Tong didn't feel bad about buying it at all.

A roasted whole sheep only has ten pickup points, so it's not a problem at all!

Even if it is opened for them to eat, how much can they eat?

However, three days have passed.

Ye Tong is a little regretful.

Are these guys monsters?

Even Nami is still sitting at the table drinking.

Chopper even turned on the runaway mode and grabbed food with Luffy.

One by one, they all have big stomachs, but they keep putting food into their mouths.


Seeing the pickup value continue to decrease, Ye Tong also regretted it.

Are they all road-going?

Not only the character, but also the food is so fierce!

After seven days, the banquet was finally over.

Everyone, except Ye Tong, fell to the ground and couldn't move.

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