One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 685

Meanwhile, within Marine Headquarters.

"Stop walking around, Zephyr."

"For now, we'll just have to wait here."

Garp Looking at Zephyr walking around in front of him, he also said directly.

"You're not worried at all?"

"Now your grandson, son, and the discipline are all there."

"Also, the above orders Haven't you seen the order?"

"Ye Tong is the leader of the Xiao organization! Xiaozhi Zero, do you know what Xiaozhi is?"

" If this identity is established, he is our enemy."

"You know..."

Zephyr Barabara said a lot.

And Garp is still drinking tea leisurely.

Half an hour later.

"Are you done?"

"Come on, have some tea."

"We are no longer officially a Marine."< /p>

"This is something that Sakazuki's brat needs to worry about."

"By the way, you see that Sengoku and Tsuru-chan have both gone, why didn't you send us a message?"

"In other words, the fundamental problem has been solved."

Garp said indifferently.

You know, although Garp usually looks carefree, it doesn't look reliable at all.

However, Garp's IQ is pretty good.

He knew that there should be no problem with this.

It's even possible that Sakazuki has formed an alliance with Akatsuki.

After all, no one wants to keep doing things for Celestial Dragon crap.

"You mean, we've compromised with sin?"

Zephyr turned and looked at Garp seriously.

"What sin?"

"Ye Tong, you don't know? Or, do you think he has done something horrific?"

"Really Yes, they are all old people, and they are as angry as the children."

"Hurry up and drink tea, or it will be cold in a while."

Garp said again .

However, a strange look flashed across Garp's eyes.

After all, now where they're going is Raftel.

I don't know if these little fellows have a certain amount of self-control! ?


At this time, Den Den Mushi on the side rang.

Both of them are in the Fleet Admiral office now, and the tea is still from Akainu.

Because they're taking care of all things Marine now, they're here too.

"Celestial Dragon's call?"

"Don't answer, these garbage calls are unnecessary."

Just as Zephyr was about to answer the call when Garp stopped him.

Because he knew that when Celestial Dragon called Fleet Admiral's office at this time, it was 80% probably because of Ye Tong's business.

So, Garp decisively chose not to answer.

"Garp Sensei!"


At this time, Hina also walked in with Yaya.

"Hina, do you have anything to do with us?"

Zephyr also put away his panic and said with a serious face.

"Sensei, I want to find Ye Tong."

"I hope..."

"No problem, I'll take you there!"< /p>

"However, your body...?"

Looking at Hina, who was a little thin, Garp also stood up and said.

"It's alright."

"It's because I always have a consciousness in my heart telling me to kill Ye Tong."

"So , I want to solve this matter quickly, otherwise, even if I stay here, I will still be concerned about Ye Tong."

"I can't sleep well at all."

Hina also said directly.

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