One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 699

"It can't be said that they were scared away."

"They can't beat the forces here and there."

"Unless, the terrifying existence and Imam had done the same."

"However, I always feel that they have something special and can't leave Mariejois."

"Otherwise, he should have immediately come out to kill me."

Ye Tong also said directly.

"Big brother is big brother!"

"But big brother, you are the leader of my father, and I am your younger brother."

"Why, I always feel Weird?"

Luffy said suspiciously.

After hearing Luffy's words, the three of them also had black lines on their faces.

This guy, is that the point?

Sure enough, this guy is not on the same channel as them at any time.

"peng peng peng..."

Three punches one by one, knocking Luffy unconscious.

"Ace, Sabo."

"I tell you, one such silly younger brother is enough."

"you two, don't worry about it. Don't be infected by him."

Ye Tong said with a lifeless expression.

This guy, simply. Ye Tong was even a little worried, if he stayed with him for a long time, would he also be turned off by the road!

"Brother, stop talking."

"Let's talk about business."

"I understand that many allies now have They are building their own army."

"The most important thing is that the conditions they offer, and the quality of the army they have formed is very good."

"We, want to Don't do anything?"

Sabo also said with a heavy face.

You know, if these countries have their own troops dedicated to combat, when the time comes they know that the organization wants to be the same as it is now, it will be a little difficult.

"Is the country's own special combat unit?"

"This, it seems to be true, it is not a problem."

"Goa Kingdom has it, right? The army of their country, let Ace's second division go, can they kill it?"

Ye Tong asked directly.

"If Ace goes, it's definitely possible."

"But if that's the case, we..."

"Sabo, your brain Watt?"

Before Sabo could finish speaking, Ye Tong also tapped him on the head.

Sure enough, you can't be on Luffy's boat while these issues are being discussed.

As long as you get on this boat, all kinds of IQ and EQ will fall off a cliff.

"What do you mean by Watt?"

Ace, who was listening with a bewildered expression, also interjected.

"It means broken."

"Ace here can directly clean up a country's special forces."

"You think, Although there are many powerful countries in the world, they are not united with each other."

"Even Marine can easily suppress them all."

"Plus we know the organization."

"This worry is superfluous."

"And Sabo, you'd better think about it and go back to inherit the Goa Kingdom."

Ye Tong said again.

After all, if the people in the kingdom are their own people, no matter what they do, they will be much smoother.

"I'm not going back."

"Such a deformed country, I..."


Before Sabo could finish speaking, Ace also punched him.

"Ace, why did you hit me again?"

Sabo covered his head, looked at Ace and said.

"I think the things that big brother arranged should be right."

"So, if you refute, I will beat you."

Ace Say a word.

Sabo was about to cry.

The most important thing is that he can't find any reason to refute it!

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