One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 707


"Oh, this?"

Ace was stunned for a moment, then a white flame released.

"Umm, that's it."

"Attack me with this flame in your hand."

"Um... just use fire. Bodhidharma, this one doesn't need too many flames."

Ye Tong thought for a while and said directly.

"Fire Bodhidharma?"

"However, the intensity of this flame, even if it is Big Brother..."

Ace did not continue.

unspoken implication is that such a flame, even you, may be injured.

"It's okay, I have mastered this flame."

"Even if I can't defend, it won't cause me much damage."


Ye Tong said confidently.

"Got it."

"Pure White Fire Dharma!"

Ace said, and instantly launched an attack on Ye Tong.

An extremely powerful flame floated directly around Ye Tong.


Ace a light shout , all the flames gathered in an instant.

next moment , directly submerged Ye Tong.

As Ye Tong was submerged in flames, everyone looked at Ye Tong with worried expressions.

You know, Ace says he hasn't fully mastered the flame yet.

However, they also felt it just now.

Although I know that Ye Tong is very powerful, I am still a little worried.

"This flame is really powerful!"

"If I don't use my flame to defend, it can't be defended."

Ye Tong said , and also dispelled all the flames covering his body.

"Sure enough, I'm still far behind!"

Seeing Ye Tong, he simply dispelled the flames, and Ace scratched back of the head, saying with a smile .

Originally, Ye Tong was his big brother to Ace.

Isn't it normal to be stronger than yourself?

"Okay, I don't know how many people are going to have a headache with an attack like yours."

"Come on, if you turn all your flames into pure flames, it will be very difficult. Powerful."

Ye Tong said directly.

At this time, a huge fleet appeared on the sea of New World.

"Hundred Beasts Kaido?"

Seeing this fleet, Alan also sank in his heart.

You know, this is the second Yonko fleet that has come over.

However, Shanks has only one boat.

But now Kaido is coming here, not just a boat!

"Beruberu &..."

Alan immediately took out his own Den Den Mushi and called the dragon.

Because Ye Tong explained, all things during this time, let the dragon take charge.

"Alan, is there any special situation?"

Long answered the phone and said directly.

The people around heard the call from Alan, who was the outpost in front, and also gathered around.

"Dragon, here comes the fleet from Kaido of the Beasts."

"Do we need to block it?"

Allen said directly.

Although the people here can come to support immediately, there are only more than 20 Vice Admiral forces.

However, there is still a certain degree of certainty in blocking Allen.

"Don't block, I'll ask the leader."

"After all, it's a Yonko. At such a critical time, it's not appropriate to act rashly."

Long said , also hung up the phone.

"You guys, how many of your own people are buried in Marine?"

"I won't say, as long as Ye Tong contacts, it's all your people, right?"

Sakazuki is also a little unhappy.

"Well, it seems to be true."

Long also said helplessly.

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