One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 714

"Monkey D Luffy, you will pay for your stupidity today."

Jack pulled out his teeth and turned them into two long knives, Said arrogantly.

You know, he is one of the three disasters, Jack!

When are you going to fight a New World kid?

And most importantly, his bounty is way lower than Luffy's.

Because the Akatsuki organization is active in the world, the world government is overwhelmed.

So, for some influential Pirates, I simply didn't care.

In their eyes, these Pirates are just clowns.

And, too young, at this time, it is simply impossible to form a considerable battle strength.

So, Supernova is basically some Great Pirate with over 100 million.

Like Luffy, or because his father is the core existence in Xiao's organization.

This is also Luffy's bounty, and it's not known how much.

Jack's bounty gold is a billion Beli.

And now Luffy's bounty gold has reached 1.8 billion.

On the one hand, Luffy is really strong.

Of course, Luffy beat Celestial Dragon, and then the dragon's son combined these factors together to have such bounty gold.

This is why, Jack is a little upset.

After all, he is the three major battle strengths of Kaido of the Beasts Pirates.

The old powerhouse, but the bounty is not worth a newbie.

That's why Jack is so excited.

"I'll hit you, and then I'll hit Kaido!"

"Second gear!"

Luffy said, and instantly released own second gear.

Afterwards, Luffy, who was in red, also rushed out.

A powerful rubber Gatling struck Jack directly.

"Is this your attack?"

"Hahaha, stop laughing."

"This kind of attack even tickles me Not enough!"

Jack said, also waving the two knives in his hand, rushing towards Luffy directly ignoring the defense.

This guy is super thick skinned.

Even if they faced Sengoku at first, they were able to leave a life in their hands.

Not to mention, Luffy is now in second gear.

When faced with such an attack, Jack simply chose to ignore it.

Such an attack simply cannot break his defense!

"Fourth gear·serpentfolk mode!"

Seeing that the opponent's defensive power is too powerful, Luffy also directly switched to fourth gear.

With Life Essence and Devil Fruit side effects gone, Luffy can use his fourth gear without hesitation.

Even if you use the fourth gear, it will not cause too much burden on your life.

If it was before, Luffy must have done some preparations before using fourth gear.

But with Life Essence to strengthen the body, after the drawbacks disappear, the fourth gear can basically be used at will.

“xiū xiū xiū ……peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~  …”

“Damn, you are like a fly!”

"Ancient Mammoth!"

At this point, Jack couldn't take it anymore.

Although the serpentfolk form is the most important to improve the speed, the attack power is also improved a lot.

Even Jack felt the slightest threat.

If Luffy is left alone, he'll be hurt soon enough.

In such a situation, getting hurt is not a good thing!

Therefore, Jack also released his own fruit ability.

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