One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 716

As the giant eagle took Momonosuke and flew away, Kanjuro drew a telescope again, and observed Momonosuke's whereabouts with Kinemon.

This is their Young Master!

"Kenjuro, don't tell me what happened back then."

"After all, our position is a bit awkward now, no matter who knows about it Information, for us, is not a good thing."

Kinemon also said directly.

"The original thing really happened."

"I won't have any complaints, but what I want to tell you is, Young Master, we must keep it ."

"Now, a small step of the original plan has been completed."

"If, this time, Monkey D Luffy is caught again, when the time comes and The country will definitely be inherited by our Young Master!"

Kenjuro also showed an excited look on his face.

You know, he made a lot of sacrifices for this day.

Even, he was regarded as a traitor.

But now, my identity has been rectified.

The most important thing is that it has been approved by the only heir of the Guangyu family.

This is the best result.

At this time, Momonosuke also fell on Kaido's body.

Then Kaido's body began to change.

Countless dragon scales began to grow, and arms turned into claws.

In just an instant, Kaido transformed into a super giant dragon.

The current battlefield was almost cleaned up. After Kaido became a giant dragon, the huge body directly destroyed many ships here.

Of course, the Wanli Sunshine, under the control of Franky, thought about running away.

"This Momonosuke?"

Ye Tong also took up at this time, looking at the giant dragon in front of him, and he didn't know when it appeared The always pink small dragon.

You know, Ye Tong is picking up trash, but when picking up trash, he also has his Kenbunshoku Haki open.

After all, if you want to clean up all the rubbish here, you still need Kenbunshoku Haki and his own writing wheel to find all the rubbish here.

This is why, Ye Tong is a little puzzled.

I simply didn't feel that this guy was coming. When did this guy appear, Ye Tong didn't even know.

If it wasn't for Kaido suddenly using his Devil Fruit ability and turning into a relatively huge dragon, Ye Tong wouldn't have found this guy at this time.

"Kaido, Momonosuke, what kind of weird combination is this?"

Ye Tong was not only puzzled, but also a little confused.

these two people, it's not a channel, right?

"Kaido, kill Ye Tong with your hands."

At this time, a familiar voice also entered Ye Tong's ears.

This person is definitely Momonosuke.

Although I don't know why this guy got mixed up with Kaido.

But Ye Tong knew that there was only one thing he needed to do at this time, and that was to kill this guy.

Because of Luffy and the others, I didn't really hit these guys hard.

But this time is a little different from just watching.

He came directly to the door, do you have any reason not to beat him?

So, after thinking of this, Ye Tong also directly released his powerful Haki, and slowly put the garbage bag in his hand into his personal space.

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