One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 722

When I first saw this Kaido, Ye Tong was a little strange.

According to Kaido's character, simply wouldn't let himself pick up trash here.

And, most importantly, he even discussed with himself to do something.

This is simply not the character Kaido should have.

"This thing, shouldn't it be the product of your Wano country?"

"If you guessed correctly, there is such a technology behind it, only Vega Punk can I did it."

"It's just, I'm really curious about how you two cooperated!"

Ye Tong put away his village rain, Said calmly.

"Now that you know, you should cooperate with us all the more."

"When the time comes, I only need Wano country, you &&..."

< p>......

Momonosuke said here, but he was also stunned.

Because, Ye Tong has disappeared in front of him.

"Uh...Grot Ye Tong, you can't kill me."

At the next moment, Ye Tong's hand directly grabbed Momonosuke's neck.

"I can't kill you?"

"Maybe you're right, I really won't kill you for now."

"Tell me , Vegapunk and you and the country, what secrets do you have?"

"If I think what you say is the truth, maybe I will let you go!"

Ye Tong slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said with a slightly evil spirit.

next moment, Momonosuke, who was originally caught, also disappeared again.

"Fuck, I forgot to add Power of God."

Seeing Momonosuke disappearing, Ye Tong was also stunned.

This guy is even more slippery than a loach!

"Forget it, I'll go pick up the trash!"

Ye Tong thought, and was also ready to pick up the trash.

"Where's the boat?!"

At this time, Ye Tong found out that none of the boats that were lying here had disappeared.

"It seems that this guy's ability affects more than an hour!"

"If it affects one-way, it may be longer."


Ye Tong also looked thoughtful.

"No, what I just found..."

Ye Tong also quickly clicked on his panel.

The things I got above are still there.

Sure enough, it's impossible to take things away from a guy like System.

Although there are some regrets, the information obtained is not much.

Kaido was the last Peace Pacifista.

Perhaps it should be called the most successful.

Then, Yonko Kaido, should be a being that has its own consciousness.

Doesn't obey orders and is too violent, so he will come out alone and become the Yonko he sees now.

However, Momonosuke actually borrowed Kaido's name to bring his subordinates out. He must have done a lot of preparations.

It is estimated that a replica of Kaido was also used to lead the real Kaido away.

hehe, things are a little fun.

Ye Tong thought of this and returned directly to the Wanli Sunshine.

"Are they all on board?"

Ye Tong looked at the people here and asked directly.

"Zoro is gone, this guy..."

Nami looked helpless.

It's just a matter of fighting for a while, but this guy can get lost.

This is really—shame!

"I brought him back."

At this time, Jinbe also appeared on the boat with a Marimo-head in between.

Sure enough, Jinbe was really heartbroken on this ship!

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