One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 725

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking.

They know Ye Tong's character, he is not a big talker.

It's not a person who will use such a thing as a pretext and then deceive them to do something.

In other words, what Ye Tong said is true.

If Vegapunk could mass-produce beings like Kaido, how terrifying would it be for the entire world?

And, such a thing is not impossible to happen.

You know, Vega Punk is the founder of the bloodline factor.

Even if it is a weapon, the Devil Fruit ability can be attached.

Also, Kaido was originally born out of his hands.

It shouldn't be particularly difficult to copy.

Even, there may already be such a product.

"Are you thinking that even Vegapunk can't easily create such an existence, right?"

"But, just now I encountered Kaido's ship ."

"Also, I fought them."

"I saw three Kaidos in total."

"And, and There should be some connection between the Kingdom and Vegapunk."

"The real Kaido is conscious. The battle strength should be higher than that of the replica, but even the replica is just as powerful. It's suffocating."

"At least, it has the strength of a Marine Headquarter."

"So, you know what I'm worried about?"

The corners of Ye Tong's mouth raised slightly, directly stating the seriousness of the matter.

Be aware of the powerful existence of this Rank, if it appears in this world in batches.

Then, it is estimated that no other force can compete with it.

And no one dares to say that this is Vega Punk's ultimate weapon.

If he has other trump cards, it may be too late for him to act when he really shows his minions to the entire world.

Such a thing is not what they want to see.

Great power brings absolutely nothing like peace.

The only thing it will bring is conquest and slaughter.

Even, there will be a World Government that is more terrifying and tyrannical than Celestial Dragon!

"Then how did you leave?"

At this time, Kuzan also said with some doubts.

You must know that in the Three Great Admirals, Kuzan was the first to contact Ye Tong.

It can even be said that Ye Tong was stronger than him in the beginning.

But only since he became Admiral, the contact between the two has been much less.

"It's not how I left."

"They couldn't beat me, so they ran away."

"However, even if it was me, if a If a large group of Kaido is besieged, it will be a little troublesome."

"When the time comes, if this guy threatens me with the whole world, there is really no way to stop him!"

Ye Tong said casually.

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed surprise.

Three Kaido's Avatars.

Although it is Avatar, it should also have the strength of Kaido.

But it is such an existence, in front of Ye Tong, he can only run away.

It can be imagined to what extent Ye Tong's strength is now.

"Ye Tong, your current strength..."

Sakazuki said with some doubts.

You know, although he is now equivalent to being independent, he still has some dissatisfaction with the Xiao organization.

So, I still want to know Ye Tong's strength.

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