One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 729

Looking at the panel in front of him, Ye Tong was also sluggish.

Although I don't see the Flame of Purity in my own panel, it is reflected in another form.

The title of Flame Maker [wears it automatically, does not occupy the title position]

[After wearing it, it can control any flame element between Heaven and Earth. ]

Seeing the introduction above, Ye Tong was stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, I was also overjoyed.

Although this statement is somewhat general, it is precisely because of this situation that it is enough to show how powerful this ability is.

At the beginning, Joe Lacker D Fengyue also said that if he mastered this ability, he would be able to stand in the Peak position of this world.

"Lieutenant General Ye Tong, are we going?"

Borsalino was stunned when he saw Ye Tong.

Also said leisurely on the side.

"Yeah, let's go."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also called out Tiomaus directly.

"Are we going to take this special creature to Mariejois?"

Borsalino looked at Tiomaus in front of him with a playful expression.

In his eyes, in this world, there is no creature's speed that can exceed his speed.

"Yeah, let me show you what extreme speed is!"

Ye Tong jumped up and landed on Tiomaus' back .

"Extreme speed?"

"Really, I'm looking forward to it!"

Borsalino said with a sullen mouth, and he landed firmly on the ground. on Tiomaus' back.

"Tiomaus, be a little slower."

"We're going to Mariejois, a place you've been to."

"Stop, Don't scare our guests."

Ye Tong said to Tiomaus.

"Got it, Master!"

"Let's go."

Tiomaus disappeared after saying a word.

In just a few hours, they appeared under the Red Line continent.

"Is this speed okay?"

After Tiomaus finished speaking, he also turned into wings and appeared on Ye Tong's back.


Borsalino was stunned.

You know, even at full speed, he wouldn't be that fast.

Moreover, it still won't have such a fast speed when it needs to consume a lot of physical strength.

until now His proud speed was the first time he was rubbed on the ground.

"Okay, Borsalino."

"I'm going to pick up Mr. Issho."

"You wait for me here. By the way, help attract Fire."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared directly here.

"Get some firepower?"

Borsalino is a little weird.

They have only just appeared here, so even if they will be discovered, it will not be so fast, right?

"Attention, Marine Headquarters Admiral, Borsalino is coming to attack Mariejois!"

At this time, a voice that almost made that Borsalino vomit blood came into his ears .

The person who shouted the news that Borsalino was coming was exactly Grote Ye Tong who just disappeared in front of him.

Is this guy planned at first?

However, now Borsalino has no time or mind to ask Ye Tong.

Because, he has seen the fighting troops of peers, rushing towards him.

"It's really a terrifying guy. He's so ruthless that he even pits himself!"

Borsalino turned into a light spot after he complained and began to contain the people here. enemy.

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