One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 732

They're not actually the first Mariejois World Nobles to break away.

Let's talk about the Don Quixote family of Doflamingo before, and the Vivi Ann family.

Plus, when Akatsuki started to act on the world, some World Nobles returned to their former country with their wealth and family members.

They don't want to be involved in such things, plus they've always been nice to their country.

So, I will go back directly without any worries.

If they were like Saint Charlos, they would not only be arrogant and despotic to the world, but also to their former country.

Even if they wanted to get out of this vortex center, there was no way out.

Not all World Nobles are assholes like Saint Charlos.

Back to Ye Tong's side.

"Tiomaus, go to Borsalino now, take him, and get out of here."

"Slow down so that the trailing soldiers can see the tail."

"Then, after half an hour, take Borsalino directly back to Marine Headquarters."

"Bring Hina and Tashigi to my side by the way."

Ye Tong said directly.

"Yeah, I know the master."

After Tiomaus finished speaking, he also disappeared directly in front of him.

"Mr. Issho, let's go."

Ye Tong's mouth showed an excited smile.

He wasn't really interested in Vega Punk.

However, this is an island that Ye Tong has never been to, and there are Marine scientific research units that he has never been in contact with.

In a place like this, there must be a lot of rubbish that you can need.

When the time comes, you can improve your abilities again.

"I got it, sir."

"Let's go!"

Issho said, also directly controlling a wooden board, and disappeared in an instant with the two of them. Mariejois.

As for Borsalino, after seeing Tiomaus appear, he also sat directly on Tiomaus and left here.

You know, Gorosei's strength is still a bit strong.

If it wasn't for Borsalino's very fast speed, it is estimated that he would have been left behind!

"Don't chase."

"These guys must be trying to lured the tiger away from the mountain."

"Go back, Take good care of Mariejois!"

Nightingreev said, and went back directly.

After seeing them disappear here, a person also walked out in the distance.

"Sure enough, this guy wants something more than independent countries."

"These guys want to change the entire world."

"My lord, what are we going to do next?"

"If we don't take action, when the time comes we won't have a chance to act."

One Ben said solemnly.

"Don't worry for now."

"Our relationship with them is not what you think."

"When the time comes, As long as we can occupy that area, the entire world will still be in our hands."

Momonosuke said with a gloomy expression.

Who would have thought that such a little demon that reserves a beating would have such an expression?

"I know your lord."

"However, that guy hasn't replied to us yet, will he..."

One book [Koichiro] ] also said directly.

After all, if there is a problem with their cooperation, when the time comes is a super troublesome thing!

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