One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 758

"Ye Tong, the power released by the guy who just appeared is from the sphere in his hand."

"So, we are going to destroy Yes, this person, but this device!"

Hinrenwan said quickly.

Because, at this time, the ice has been distributed to the room where Avatar appeared just now.

Where the ice is, everything can be fed back to the perception of the ice wheel pill.

"I see."

"However, we can't hit that sphere now."

"My Avatar just tried it. As long as the attack appears around the energy ball, it will be completely distorted by a special force field."

Ye Tong was a little weak for the first time.

Before, no matter who met anyone, any powerful existence.

There will be some targeted methods.

But now, Ye Tong found that he was really helpless!

"It should be using something to vibrate at high frequencies."

"While vibrating, the approaching energy will be dissipated directly."

"If there is a higher frequency or high-intensity energy attack, it should be able to break through this thing."

Hinrenmaru said suddenly.

Ye Tong was stunned after hearing the words of Bing Lun Wan.

Isn't this guy a dangerous species?

Or is my understanding of the dangerous species wrong?

How could such a thing come out of this guy's mouth? !

"Hey, what's your expression?"

"Our consciousnesses are connected, and I can perceive your thoughts even when you are not blocking me. Yes."

"Although I used to be a dangerous species, I have been used as a Teigu many times."

"For things related to technology, it is still I have a certain understanding!"

Binglunwan said directly after sensing Ye Tong's thoughts.

"Oh... so!"

"didn't expect, you are still a dangerous species with culture!"

Ye Tong is also a Said with a playful face.

However, when it comes to the energy of high rank, the energy of the highest rank that I have now is the flame of purity.


"Never mind, try it!"


Ye Tong A thought, Originally Ye Tong Avatar also started to burn.

Subsequently, the two Avatars directly used self-destruct tactics.

With the flame of purity, he threw himself directly towards the ball.

"zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi..."

Afterwards, a super harsh zhi zhi sound also entered the ears of the two.

Even Ye Tong and Bing Lun Wan felt the sound was a little uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that the two of them can't move yet, so they can only stay here and accept such noise baptism.

With the ebbing of time, the vibration of the two energies became stronger and stronger.

Even the ice cubes produced in the breakthrough here are starting to crack.

Finally, after a powerful beeping sound, the two energies here finally disappeared.

Ye Tong's Avatar was burnt to pieces, and the sphere became a powder.

Although the hidden danger here is finally resolved, Ye Tong is not a little happy in his heart.

Even, there are some concerns.

This is just an instrument or weapon.

No one was there yet, so Ye Tong tried his best to solve the problem.

If Vega Punk really appeared in front of him when the time comes, with his current strength, can he really escape successfully? !

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