One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 774

With Jin Hao's shot, Roy also met Jin Hao immediately.

Roy appears in his hand with a stick wrapped around the purple-golden Haki.

Just looking at the breath on the stick gives the illusion of suffocation.

"Roy, after so many years, your strength seems to have improved again!"

"However, I really don't know why you care so much about power, if you don't After spending so much time in power, perhaps the strength will be stronger now!"

Haki on Jin Hao's double fists has also become golden, a tyrannical Haki to the extreme, also followed release.

At the same time, he said with a mocking expression.

"Jin Hao, you don't have a family of your own, you are alone, so naturally you don't know what I want to do."

"The paths we take are originally different. That's it."

Roy stood guard, waving the big stick in his hand, and rushed towards Jin Hao.

Jin Hao pursed his lips and rushed up.

The original purpose of his visit was to stop one of the top powerhouses.

As for whether or not to have a life-and-death relationship with Roy, it is uncertain.

"Im, long time no see?"

"didn't expect, we didn't meet, we'll meet like this."

"You broke the original agreement, then I don't have to maintain the original agreement between us."


After Charlotte manster finished speaking, also In an instant, he touched the seal engraved on his body.

In an instant, an incomparably huge aura was also released.

Three Haki immediately converged on Charlotte manster, and a strange trace appeared behind Charlotte manster.

It looks like a big tree.

"You Devil Fruit projection is really powerful!"

"However, I told you before. It's not your own strength to do this, it's not good. !"

Im also said cautiously after seeing Ye Tong's Charlotte manster's ability displayed.

Even when she was facing Charlotte manster, she had to be cautiously.

Otherwise, it's easy to be defeated by this guy.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you Im."

"I've been able to control seven over the years."

"Wait When I can control nine, that's when I'm completely eroded."

"You better give me an explanation today, or even if I don't slaughter all of you today, in a few years, I will still I'm back."

"I'm sorry, I'm a very vengeful person."

After Charlotte manster finished speaking, there were ice, magma, lightning, strong wind, vibration... ......


Im's face became a little uneasy.

This guy's ability is really a headache!

Anyone who has fought with him will have their abilities copied.

Moreover, it will be fully mastered by him step by step, and the proficiency will even exceed the original Ability User.

"Let's do it!"

Charlotte manster finished speaking, and there were seven people who were like him in an instant.

Meanwhile, there are special energy fluctuations on each Avatar.

And, each and every one of them is the awakened existence of Devil Fruit.

The surrounding sea turned into solid ice and attacked Im.

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