One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 780

After Jin Hao left, Charlotte manster also highlighted one mouthful of impure air.

This guy is really hot!

If it weren't for the fact that there are still some things to do here, and this time, Jin Hao and the others wouldn't be too busy.

He really wants to fight this guy.

As Jin Hao left, Charlotte manster also looked towards the side of the battlefield.

At this time, Roy and Im shot, and countless replicas were directly blown up.

Two top powerhouse shots are not for fun.

You must know that if they really want to take action against the dark forces in this world, it will only take less than a year. It is estimated that all the Pirates on the entire sea will disappear.

The previous strategy of combining vertical and horizontal has played a big role, which is why Pirate on the sea is so rampant.

Even some people think Celestial Dragon is stupid.

However, if they really want to shoot Celestial Dragon, they probably don't even know how they died.

"Damn, these guys..."

"The Dragon of Time!"

Momonosuke felt a little embarrassed.

The original plan was very good, but at this time, it collapsed in an instant.

What they originally thought was to put the blame on Celestial Dragon, and then come here to find a place to ambush.

When the time comes when they both sides suffer, they are jumping out and reaping.

When the time comes, even if there is no way to kill them all, it will always work.

Momonosuke wanted to let the entire world see their existence.

Not the kind of existence that can be bullied at will.

As a result, it is now directly targeted.

Such a good strategy, even now, he still doesn't know what went wrong.

At this time, he also had no choice.

The ability that directly activated the fruit of time disappeared here.

With the disappearance of the Momonosuke entire group, everyone has no target to attack.

Even Im and Roy here are annoyed.

This ability is really disgusting.

If I can't beat it, I just run away.

Also, the cooldown isn't particularly long.

Simply and undead rats are generally disgusting if their presence can no longer be immediately traced!

"Charlotte Linlin, we're taking action against you Totto Land."

"You saw those who just escaped."

"They just It's the people who attacked you, the people of Wano."

Roy stood directly in front of Charlotte Linlin, slowly said.

Although the strongest here is Charlotte manster, but now the leading role is Charlotte Linlin.

As long as Charlotte Linlin speaks and leaves, this misunderstanding will not continue.

At a moment like this, Roy didn't want to mess with the two Guardians.

When the time comes, if a sudden crisis breaks out, both sides will be very passive.

"I know. When I first came into contact with it, I felt the Kaido replica that shot me at the beginning."

"This time, I misunderstood you."

"If you need any help from us, say so and we'll give it back!"

"Go back."

Charlotte Linlin said After that, he went straight back to his boat.

Kaido also transformed into a humanoid, standing beside Charlotte Linlin.

Heard Big Mom speak.

The other members also returned to the ship, ready to leave.

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