One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 785

"It seems that this is different from the world I have been in contact with before!"

Ye Tong also sighed with emotion.

Not only is it not the same as Earth before, but it is also different from One Piece World.

This kind of creature, Ye Tong has never seen before.

"Do you want to do it?"

Hinrenmaru lightly licked her scarlet tongue and said slowly.

"Let's see the situation. If the other party asks for help, let's do it!"

Ye Tong also said excitedly.

"Hehe, can you kill someone?"

Hinrenwan asked again.

"It depends on the situation. If someone attacks us, it's okay to kill them."

Ye Tong also pulled out his Murakami and Cong Yunya, and looked at the person in front of him. beast carriage.

"Cocoa cocoa cocoa..."

Now, the rumbling sound of the beast carriage has entered Ye Tong's ears.

"Are we also the one who stopped us in front?"

"Damn, is this going to kill to the last one?"

The man headed by the carriage , also said solemnly.

They were about to be overtaken, but now there is another obstacle ahead.

Such a thing is really when it rains, it pours!

"Whoever stands in our way will be killed!"

The man headed quickly gave the order.

Afterwards, the men also raised the long skewers in their hands and aimed them at Ye Tong.

"Boss, they are going to attack us!"

"Can I do it now!?"

Hin Lun Wan said excitedly .

"Let's do it!"

Ye Tong also knows that now it seems that if they don't do it, it won't work either.

"Hehe, I'm going."

After the ice wheel pill finished speaking, it instantly turned into a giant beast of ice.

It does not have the ability to use ice immediately, but directly flaps its wings, stretches out its sharp claw, and rushes up.

"What is this... is it a super spirit?"

"Quick... don't come in contact with such creatures, these guys don't have the sign here and will be killed !"



Before the man could finish speaking, Hirinmaru's claws had already touched his neck.

A blood flower bloomed, and the man's voice stopped abruptly.

"Quick, quick, there are alien creatures invading, hurry up!"

"Go and report to the adults, there are alien creatures here, if we bring this news back , all the sins we have committed should be forgiven!"


There were also various voices in the crowd.

After a few minutes, these sounds disappeared.

Whether it is happiness, fear, or despair...

Hinrenwan stood on the beast carriage and licked the blood on his paws.

At this time, those who were chasing were also stunned.

A traitor like this has all died like this? !

Also, they were all killed by a spirit species.

"Okay, now we can talk about it, why are you chasing and killing these people?!"

Ye Tong also walked directly to the side of Bing Lun Wan , slowly said.

"You guys, aren't you from Green Forest?!"

The pursuers were also stunned.

Because the clothes of the person in front of him and the attack just now didn't look like someone from Green Forest.


“What did you just say, Green Forest?!”

“Then you guys, do you know where the blue ocean is?!”

Ye Tong also asked directly.

You must know that many people in other regions call One Piece World the blue ocean.

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