One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 787

"Is this... do we need to go in by ourselves?"

Ye Tong walked to the gate and asked loudly.

"Hahaha, who do you think Lao Tzu is?"

"I'm the team leader of the spider!"

"You guys are ours now. The prey has been captured. Are you still awake?"

"Look around you, those skeletons are your seniors!"

Lyle's wild voice is also Followed.

"I think you are all idiots!"

"Really, after seeing our strength, I thought you would be a little enlightened."

"But now it seems that you still don't realize your situation!"

Ye Tong said lightly.

Then, an extreme icy aura burst out instantly.

The entire mountain became an Iceburg in an instant.

Afterwards, the originally sealed entrance was also directly cracked.

"This, this, this..."

Lyle En's mouth trembled a little when she saw the scene in front of her.

This kind of thing has never happened before!

Someone has the ability to directly change the shape of the entire mountain!

Even the leaders would not have such strength!

"It's really stupid!"

"However, I still like to deal with idiots like you."

"At least, not dead Too many brain cells died."

Ye Tong walked out with Hironimaru and Tiomaus.

At the same time, with a slightly playful look on his face, Youyou said.



"peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~..."

Then , Dozens of people opened fire on Ye Tong at the same time.

one after another bullet, penetrated the bodies of the three.

However, not a trace of blood escaped.


"I can transform elemental, so if you want to kill me, you need to use Haki to attack before I can react. It's my key point!"

"Although you have a special energy here, you don't seem to be able to use it!"

"Then, who is more obedient? !"

Ye Tong narrowed his eyes and instantly turned into a kaleidoscope of writing wheels.

Being stared at by a pair of wicked eyes, everyone here already has the intention of retreating.

However, despite their desire to escape, they found their feet were not obeying.


Because of too much fear, they are now simply unable to move even a little bit.

"Okay, it's decided, you look better."

"You're less blood-reeking qi, you just joined this so-called spider organization, right? "

"You are very lucky and can live temporarily."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also sat down directly.

A chair made of ice also appeared behind Ye Tong.

After seeing Ye Tong's actions, the Bing Lun Wan here also shot instantly.

Same as before, instantly slaughtering the people here.

Only a shiver coldly man remains.

At this time, his body also trembled for a while, and Yo Xiu's forehead became weak.

You must know that although he has also seen people in his own organization kill people, but that is killing others!

Now, when Death God came upon his head, he also realized that death was so terrifying.

"Okay, take us to your organization!"

"By the way, if your performance makes me happy, I'll let you live ."

Ye Tong looked at the man in front of him and said slowly.

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