One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 793

"Perth Pan!?

"Wait a minute, your son here is this ice sculpture. "

"He drank a total of four bottles of my red wine, ate two steaks, and then some seafood." "

"Well, I'll give you a discount, twenty bags of garbage will do. "

"By the way, the garbage bag should be this big, and if it's full. "

Ye Tong also took out a bunch of garbage bags and said with a face of authentication.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Perth Pan was stunned.


This guy...isn't he scared?!

Actually, he actually used rubbish in exchange for his son?!

No, he is now He didn't come to redeem people, but to teach the guy who kidnapped his son here!

"Damn, you are I, your father is who! ? "

"Chop off his limbs for me and throw them into the sea!" "

Perth Pan also said it directly.


"You guys still have this idea, I thought you were here checkout. "

"It's really... a little regretful!" "

"Since you have to choose to do it, I can't wait for you to do it!" "

"divine might! "

Ye Tong opened his eyes, and a space fluctuation instantly appeared on the limbs of all Perth Pan's guards.

" legs, Not my hand... ah! "

"What are you yelling at... eh? what……! my leg! ”


A group of guards also screamed in pain.

You know, Yang Hua’s actions are really too much It's almost time.

They simply don't know what happened, and they have already been dealt with here.

If Ye Tong didn't want to kill, it is estimated that by this time, they would have already Dead.

"Perth Pan, right? "

"Twenty bags would have been enough, but you threatened me, so I needed to double that, forty bags." "

"If you didn't bring it before dark, I will make you like this." "

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also looked towards someone on the other side.

"Who are you?" ! "

Ye Tong slowly said.

As for Perth Pan, he was already frightened.

Although his strength is not bad, but just now That aura emanating from Ye Tong's body is simply a breath of despair.

"w oh me I..."

"Speak well! "

The person Ye Tong saw was also a little frightened and stammered.

Afterwards, Yang Hua shouted.

"My name is Pineapple Yas, and I'm Pineapple's father. "

"How much my son eats here and how much rubbish he needs, I'll bring it over immediately." "

Pineapple Yas also said quickly.

Just kidding, Perth Pan's guard was just dealt with immediately.

Now if If he still has the same attitude as Perth Pan just now, it is estimated that the next person to be cleaned up will be himself.

The lesson that only happened in front of him is that he has no habit of touching the muzzle of the gun himself!


"Well, here you are,"

"Look, this is Pineapples, he ate a plate of mutton, a plate of braised beef, and three bottles of Old at my place. Bai did..."

"Well, these are expensive, just give fifteen bags of garbage. "

Ye Tong said it directly after careful calculation.

"Well, I'll go back and prepare." "

"By the way, sir, can you give me some of your garbage bags, I'll go back and pack the garbage." "

Pineapple Yas said quickly.

"Hmm, I appreciate you." "

Ye Tong said, also handing out a bunch of garbage bags.

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