One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 796

After sorting out the things in his System, Ye Tong also got up and left this position.

I have been on the streets of this city gate for a day.

It's time to move.

"Little brother, how is the biggest Chamber of Commerce here?!"

Ye Tong only found one man and asked directly.

"Chamber of Commerce, how did I know..."

"You are..."


" Sir, are you going to the Chamber of Commerce?"

After seeing Ye Tong, the man immediately knelt on the ground.

"Is that you?"

"I remember that you are here to lead the way. Take me to the Chamber of Commerce."

Ye Tong also remembered this person.

Bell followed this man during the day.

"Well, I'll take you there right now."

"And the adult you knew before, had some trouble."

The man also spoke quickly.


"What trouble is he in?!"

Ye Tong said with some doubts.

You must know that Bell is also an old man here. He should know better than himself about the situation here!

But why did something happen? !

The most important thing is that Ye Tong didn't find him when he scanned it with Kenbunshoku Haki before!

"The lord went to Baichun Tower to relax, but it seemed that he offended someone who shouldn't have offended."

"r Then, he was arrested."

"I was very scared at the time, so I ran out."

"didn't expect to meet you here."

The man also said quickly.

You know, he actually got a lot of benefits from Bell.

Therefore, such a thing will be said after meeting Ye Tong.

Otherwise, he wouldn't care about other people's affairs!

"Take me there first."

Ye Tong also said slowly.

No matter what the reason is, since your own people are passive, you can't just ignore it, right?

As for seeing the slave, you can go anytime.


"Sir, please come this way."

The man also set off with Ye Tong.

"Boom? 1"

At this time, Ye Tong heard an explosion.

Afterwards, an Iceburg appeared directly in the center of the city.

Also, the aura coming from above is that of Bing Lun Wan.

"This is the location of Baichun Building, my lord, it looks like there is a fight here."

"Sir, why don't we go there at another time."

"This is the location of Baichun Building. p>

"This time..."

"Eh? You, where have you been?!"

While the man was still talking to himself, he found Ye Tong is gone.

After seeing the situation here, Ye Tong knew that it must be Bing Lun Wan.

As for why he did it, Ye Tong doesn't know.

So, Ye Tong was also immediately, so he used the ability of Goro Goro no Mi and rushed to this side instantly.

It was just a few breaths before Ye Tong came here.

At this time, behind the ice wheel pill, there is a dying man, it is Bell.

"Binglunwan, what happened here?"

Ye Tong suppressed the anger in his heart and walked slowly to Binglunwan's side, saying slowly.

"They said Bell brat robbed their woman and then beat him up like this."

"By the way, boss, there is a good strength here, and Can I slaughter this city!?"

Binglunwan asked Ye Tong immediately when she saw Ye Tong coming.

Ye Tong also had a black line on his face after hearing the words of Bing Lun Wan.

This guy thinks about killing all day long!

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