One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 804

After hearing Bonnie's words, Ye Tong was speechless.

Indeed, Bonnie must have a certain fear of this foggy forest because she has experienced such a thing.

"Then go to bed, I'll buy another bed."

Ye Tong also bought an air mattress in the System mall after he finished speaking.

Although it's not as comfortable as the bed that comes with the villa, it's better than the floor, isn't it?

The most important thing is that here Ye Tong finds himself a little resistant to Bonnie.

It's not that Bonnie is bad, but Ye Tong now has four wives.

This one comes out once, so you can't bring another one back, right? !

In addition, the bear is his subordinate, and I always feel that it is not good to do so.

Also, Ye Tong is not sure, what does Bonnie think of herself!

So, be careful!

"Tiomaus, you are in charge of the guardianship tonight, if there is any problem, immediately notify me."

Ye Tong went to sleep after he finished speaking.

the past few days , even if you haven't had a good rest.

Ye Tong hasn't closed his eyes since he went to Vega Punk.

It's almost half a month.

So, Ye Tong also decided to take a good rest.

Soon, Ye Tong fell asleep.

Boney was lying on the foot of the bed when she heard Ye Tong's steady breathing, looking at the angry man with a curious expression.

With its own strength of oneself, it has literally changed the world pattern of the entire One Piece World.

However, looking at Grote Ye Tong who is asleep now, he seems to be an ordinary people.

I'm a little better than others, and I feel that I have a peculiar charm more than others.

Looking at it, Bonnie was fascinated.

This guy seems to be so handsome!

"This guy... hum..."

But when Bonnie thought that this guy had four wives, she felt a little stuck in her heart and didn't want to look at him.

"Little fellow, what do you think is wrong with me?"

Boney said with a puzzled expression, holding the spirit seed in her arms.

You know, she's never had such an idea.

In addition to eating, life is to improve strength.

After all, she is the daughter of a bear and must be strong enough.

As for men and women, it never breeds.

Now, I feel throbbing at this scumbag who only likes to pick up trash!

"zhi zhi zhi..."

The spirit seed also called zhi zhi zhi a few times, and then it turned into a cloud, covering the whole place.

"This... what are you doing, little cutie?!"

"My body..."

Time, Bonnie's body is a little uncomfortable of control.

Then slowly got out of bed and threw himself directly into Ye Tong's arms.

In addition, when the body came into contact with Ye Tong, it became extremely hot.


Ye Tong was awakened by a sudden attack.

"You are... uh..."

Before Ye Tong finished speaking, Bonnie's hot lips gave him...

At the same time, Ye Tong also found that something was wrong with his body.

Actually there is a reaction...

Light gauze dance, falling red...

Both of them are Ability Users, and their physical fitness is very good .

Three days later, it finally died down.

At this time, Ye Tong's mood was a little complicated.

This time I'm going back... I'm going to be torn apart by a few women, right?

After all, after walking silently for so long, I went back with a girl.

Such a thing, no matter who it is, will feel that Ye Tong is in Warm Countryside and don't want to go home.

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