One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 814

"This is Onikiri. In addition to my attacks, I can also have Onikiri's ability during battle."

"The reason why it is called Onikiri, it's because of this!"

A strange smile appeared on Feng Yue's face.

Afterwards, a silhouette of light purple slowly emerged behind Fengyue.

The half-skeleton body appeared behind Feng Yue.

And in the hands of this half-skeleton, there was a long knife of evil intent.

" this Sensei, your spirit seed?"

Ye Tong looked at the skeleton in front of him, and was shocked.

In terms of ability and essence, this Onikiri is stronger than his own Xue Ying and Hirin Maru.

Furthermore, coupled with Feng Yue's original strength, such a spirit species is simply tailor-made.


"Also, as Guardians, we are guarding here."

"Green Forest."

< p>"The seal here should be about to collapse, and the spirit of the ancients inside will also run wild."

"When the time comes, if you don't protect this world, it is estimated that the entire blue ocean will be destroyed. Disappeared."

Feng Yue also said solemnly.

It was originally planned to tell Ye Tong about this after he completed what the Xiao organization was going to do.

But now, Ye Tong has already come into contact with the Spirit Seed in advance.

At this time, I can no longer hide it.

"Ancient Spirit?"


"The blue ocean disappeared?!"

Ye Tong was a little puzzled .

You know, although the people on the Green Forest side are a little weird in terms of strength.

However, just because their strength is weird doesn't mean that their strength is necessarily strong!

It's like the Number One Powerhouse in the so-called trading city here, the kind that can be pinched to death.

Isn't such a statement too sensational?

"Aren't you surprised?"

"It wasn't like this when we were blue oceans."

"Red Line continent, very big, basic There is no end in sight."

"Although it is also mostly the sea, the continent here occupies at least one-fifth of the territory."

"But now , where can you see the continent?"

"Basically, they are all broken islands, and there are often all kinds of weird weather on the sea here."

"These are all changes caused by the residual power of the dead ancient spirits."


Feng Yue said here, as if Thinking of something, no more words.

Ye Tong doesn't know about that history though.

But you can imagine how big the continent was at the beginning.

Also, being able to destroy such a continent into such a battle, just thinking about it, makes my blood boil.

In the beginning, how many powerhouses fell because of this battle?

"Sensei, what kind of existence is the so-called temple here?!"

Ye Tong also remembered the temple Fengyue mentioned earlier.

Presumably, he also knows some information.

"The temple?"

"It's just a bunch of poor guys."

Feng Yue said here, with a hint of loneliness in her words. .

It seems that there are new secrets here!

"Then, our enemies are these so-called temple people!?"

Ye Tong asked again.

After all, if there is any enemy here, only this mysterious temple is possible.

After all, it can be seen from Feng Yue's words here that this so-called temple should be relatively powerful.

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