One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 818

You must know that if Ye Tong wants to have power here, Akatsuki is now the top existence in the entire sea.

Even Celestial Dragon, who has always been very stinky, has to admit such an existence.

However, Ye Tong is still working hard to improve his strength.

Meanwhile, something bigger is still being constructed.

The most important thing is that they don't know what Ye Tong has been doing.

When the Xiao organization was established before, they knew Ye Tong's dream.

I want this world without garbage.

Of course, it is also possible that Wei Er Road is more convenient for him to pick up the trash himself.

But now?

The world government has acknowledged their existence.

However, what is the purpose of Ye Tong doing this now? !

"What we want to do is to protect this world."

"Sensei told me..."

Ye Tong will also Fengyue and the others are doing things, as well as some of the things Fengyue revealed before, they all said it.

Although Ye Tong doesn't know what kind of enemy they will face.

However, the strength of the enemy is self-evident to be able to turn this world into such a fragmented battle.

This is despite numerous powerhouses resisting.

Ye Tong has no doubt that, thousands of years ago, there was a powerful existence like He Fengyue.

Even, it is possible to have a powerhouse that surpassed Fengyue.

That's why Ye Tong wanted to improve his strength so eagerly.

At the same time, I want to go to Green Forest to see what kind of existence there is.

The most important thing is that there are a lot of garbage dumps in Green Forest that I haven't explored!

"I see."

"So, we're about to experience a great fear from a thousand years ago?"

"That, even Guardian level powerhouse, something that makes you tremble?"

Hina said anxiously after listening to it.

You know, Yaya has just been born!

If such a big fear appears now, I don't know how many families will lose their loved ones because of this incident.

"It can be said so."

"In order for the world I finally cleaned up, it will not be destroyed."

"So I can't yet Stop and pick up the trash quietly, only to pick up the trash in another place."

Ye Tong also said helplessly.


It was a serious word, but when Ye Tong described it like this, I instantly felt that the picture was a bit strange.

"Tiomaus, take us to the Sabaody Archipelago."

Ye Tong also called Tiomaus directly.

After a few people sat on Tiomaus, they disappeared here in an instant.

"This stinky brat, come back and say hello to us."

At this time, in the open space on the top of Mount Gorbo, Garp looked at Ye Tong who disappeared, Said with a look of resentment.

"He should have a lot of things to do!"

"This time Ye Tong's aura has changed a lot."

" It's been more than ten years?"

"We have watched the growth of this brat step by step."

"He is not the kind of cool person, presumably now What he is going to do will be very dangerous, so I don't want to disturb our Old Guys."

Sister He also said with a smile.

"This brat has surpassed us now."

"Feng Yue and Jin Hao also said that this is the most powerful genius they have ever seen."


"Also, it has grown up."

After Sengoku finished speaking, he also took a sip of wine.

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