One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 822

"Come out!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he released all the people here again.

"Fuck, Sakazuki, why are you here?!"

Seeing Marine's two Admiral and Fleet Admiral appear here, Shiki said with some doubts.

"We are no longer part of the World Government."

"So, now we are representing the justice of the entire sea, working with the Xiao organization to negotiate with Celestial Dragon ."

Sakazuki said directly.

"Garp, you retired Old Guys, what are you trying to do?!"

Shiki looked towards the side and said slowly.

"We... went to the theatre."

Garp threw the one after another senbei into his mouth and said leisurely.

They really went to the theater in the past, after all, they all knew that such a battle would not start.

Afterwards, Shiki looked towards the people who appeared one after another, and stopped talking.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates, even the boats came.

BigmomPirate Ship guys, Commander all here.

Kaido, too.


In addition to Shanks, the other three emperors are here.

Then, Marine Special Lieutenant General, Major General, and Fleet Admiral also arrive.

In Shichibukai, except for Old Sand who didn't come, everyone else was in place.

In addition to the core members of the Akatsuki organization, this lineup can be described as luxurious!

"Hahaha, such a historical feat will be started by me!"

"It's really cool!"

"hahahaha, hahahaha... …”

Golden Lion Shiki laughs, but also takes off quickly, touching every ship and cruiser.

Finally, it landed on the bow of the Dark King and lifted his own hands!

"Go, go and ring the bell of a new era for this world!"

After Shiki finished speaking, all the ships here flew directly.

With the rapid lift-off of the ship, a black mass was formed directly.

Everyone, at the request of Ye Tong, released their auras one by one.

And, it's the kind of full-blown explosion.

Even the people on Sabaody Archipelago felt the powerful aftermath one by one.

Just Yu Wei has already made their legs a little weak.

"Is this the power of our Xiao organization?"

"One day, I will be on that boat too."

On the Sabaody Archipelago, a member of the Akatsuki organization said with a look of longing.

"This is... the Dark King?!"

"Go back to Gorosei, the Dark King..., the Dark King is in heaven and is rushing towards us."

The lookout here also said with a look of panic.

He knows what the Dark King symbolizes.

And, he even saw Whitebeard's boat, and Kaido, Big Mom's Pirate flag.

This kind of existence did not frighten him, the most terrifying thing was that he saw Marine standing on the boat!

In other words, now Marine, Pirate, and Akatsuki's people are all gathered together.

In this case, coupled with the fact that Xiao's organization has won the hearts of the people, the World Nobles here are really isolated!


"Dark King, God!?"

Nightingreev also had a look on his face when he heard this sentence said horribly.

You must know that after the previous battle, the main focus of Im and the others shifted to holding on.

As Gorosei, I know some of these things.

But at this time, why are these guys acting like this all of a sudden? !

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